Saturday, November 22, 2014

unexpected blessings

we all love surprises! right?? but.... wanna know what i love more then that??!! unexpected blessings!! when i pray, i usually don't ever ask for anything materialistic. or, at least i try not to.

you see,
i love to bake.
i love that my kids enjoy helping me
i love the smells
i love the memories

Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas not far behind it and that means baking will be in full swing!!

so, you can only imagine how upset i got when our oven went out like 2 months ago! it's been rough. FHE's have been very limited on the treats we could have been baking AND what was i gonna do about the holidays?? i got so stressed that i just started freaking out about it. we've been using the toaster oven just because we didn't have the extra money to buy a new stove right now. and honestly, haven't thought about it(i guess i was just getting used to the toaster oven.)

this morning one of our friends showed up and guess what??!! he had us a nice used(but new to us) stove!! with a working oven!!! and told us it was a Christmas present!! now, tell me that wasn't right on time!?

Heavenly Father knows our hearts and he knows our needs. I'm thankful that i have a Heavenly Father that loves me and provides for me, even when i don't ask!
now time to get baking!

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