Saturday, March 28, 2015

#SubscriptionboxSaturday!! (beautybox5)

Good Morning my Beauties!!!  How are y'all today??  I am doing pretty good and I know I haven't done a beauty blog in  a min so, its about that time!!!!!  Today I got my March BeautyBox5 to share with you!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who don't know, Beauty Box 5 is a $12 monthly subscription box.
              What you get:

Beauty Box 5

Every month we'll send you a mix of makeup, beauty accessories, hair, skincare, fragrance, body, and nail products that we can't get enough of. Our secret? We share products that really work, so you'll receive luxury, drugstore, niche, eco-conscious, and even vegan brands.
Whether you're a cosmetic newbie or a beauty guru, identify yourself as adventurous and playful or classy and mature, like to splurge on high-end items or be a savvy spender, we have everything you're looking for.

If you want to get you one, go here, beautiful!:)

I actually got my box a little while ago and I am just now getting around to posting it!!  I am sorry but, I am getting old and chasing an 18 month old toddler just wears me slap out!!!  lol  BUT I like that I am doing it a little later because I have had a chance to use the products!!!!  So, lets get started!!!

This month the card says:

"Forget taking a spring break- spring into high gear through your lazy days this season!!!  Bold liner and lashes mean that even in your downtime, you still look like a million bucks.  Getting ready doesn't have to add stress- just prep your skin and gloss on, because even if you're still working hard to get exactly where u wanna be, you're always the boss of your makeup bag"

#HUSTLE March 2k15

So, the 1st thing I noticed opening my box.........

SNAKES!!!  YAAASSSSS! They kept the cute colorful ones instead of going back to the black ones!! I LOVE the festive ones, as I had mentioned last month!!!  Maybe that means that they do listen to all the beautiful ladies that blog about this box every single month!! Huge thumbs up to them!!

First thing I got is this Eslor Introduction Collection- 2nd edition

Retail: $28 2 fl oz, $38 2 fl oz, $38 1.7 fl oz, $85 1.7 fl oz

Your skin is about to seriously thank you! This lavish line is completely paraben free and gently pampers and hydrates your face without stripping away natural oils. #eslor

I have gotten this before and I don't think I ever have used it??  Probably have it tucked in a drawer with my extra foil packets I get.  I wanna try it and I think I will this time.  I just don't see how u can tell whether I like it with just one use??? I mean, the price of this is kinda high end in my book.  I wanna know for a fact that it works before I spend that kind of money!!  ESLOR??!!  you listening??  We need a little more to try!!   IDK?? Maybe its just me????

Next I have the Styli-Style Line & Seal Twist Mechanical Eye Liner

Retail: $4.99 0.01 oz (full size)

These creamy, pigmented pencils go on super smooth to give a perfect line or wing and their fun twist-up design means you never need to use a sharpener!!!!! *assorted colors #styliStyle

I got this blue color.....I believe the color is Lapis??  Not sure but that is what I see on the pencil.  I'm not huge on blue, but, with my blue really is a pretty color!!

I loved using this!! I have been trying to get the "winged" look down and it seemed easier using this!!  I am pretty sure I need to get this in black!! lol And the fact that it is mechanical is nice too cause I cant find my sharpener at the moment!!!

really pretty

Laugh Out Loud by Nanacoco Lip Gloss

Retail: $3.99 0.22 fl oz (full size)

Warning: the gloss addiction starts now.  Pretty pigments, seriously sweet smell factor and non-sticky formula all make this our latest lip product crush!! *assorted colors* #nanacoco

I'm NOT a lip gloss girl!!  HATE lip gloss!!  lol BUT, I do keep an open mind and I do try out the glosses when  I receive them!!  I have other Nanacoco lip glosses and they are pretty good.  They smell nice and they aren't as sticky as some others I have tried.  I got the color "call me babe"

It's very nude! It made my lips look really goldish......not my fav.....BUT the packaging is adorable!

time for the worst and best!!!!!

Elite Theraputics- Rosemary Eucalyptus Body Cream

Retail: $19 8 oz

Smooth on natural goodness for your whole body!!  Never greasy, this luxe lotion replenishes your skin with an organic blend of oils and healing aloe vera- plus, it smells divine, too.  #EliteTherapeytics

Let me explain myself on this one.  lol  I'm not gonna bash this company because the reason this is my least fav is personal preference!!  I tried this and OMGosh!! IT SMELLS SOOOOOOO BAD!! So stinky!!  The formula was GREAT!!  It wasn't greasy and my hands felt amazing.....BUT every time my hand goes to my face........ewwwwwww!! I can not stand the smell of it!! hahahaha

Scandalous by Nanacoco Thickening Mascara

Retail: $4.99 0.33 oz (full size)

Embrace va-va-voom volume with this new favorite!  The flexible silicon ball brush gets up close and personal to majorly magnify your lashes!! *assorted colors*

I'm so in love!!! I have used this every day since I tried it!!  I'm not a big fan of receiving mascaras in my boxes because I seem to always get them! I have a bag of lil mascaras!! But, girl!!! This does the job! I love how thick my lashes look after applying 2 coats!!!!  I also got lucky by getting the color "very black"  I will  be purchasing this again in the future!!  My go to mascara now!!

Overall I am pretty happy with this months box!!  Don't forget, if u wanna sign up, click here.

I hope y'all enjoy your beautiful Saturday!!!!

#StayBeautiful and always #StayBlessed


Thursday, March 26, 2015

feeling some type of way.........(religion)

Howdy!!!!  This blog is just my opinions and how I feel.  Please, no bashing, but please share thoughts in appropriate ways.  Like adults please!!  I wouldn't bash any of y'all and I really hope to get the same respect.  But, I need some help.........

I am Mormon, or LDS......and something happened the other day that just has really hurt my heart and has really made me feel some type of way!!!!  I really need some advice......I need to know if it's normal to feel how I am feeling or is it just my mental illness causing me to just over analyze this issue.

You see..... I LOVE my faith, I love everything about it! But sometimes I don't get the people of the Church.  I am a convert to the Church(2007) and I do most of my studying on my own.  I feel like if I learn about it on my own and pray about it, I am closer to my Heavenly Father and I tend to comprehend things better.  So, that's just how I do things.....that's how I  I do LOVE going to Sacrament and to my classes as well, but sometimes it just feels awkward.  I am NOT perfect, and I know this!!  I also know that not everyone in our Church is as perfect as they front either, or can u say "fake" in today's terminology.

In my situation.......I know I probably will never go to the Temple, and sometimes at Church I really feel like people always judge me.  And that sucks!! Its very hard to attend Church after your heart gets hurt by the ones you trust within the Church.  A couple of years ago some things went down and I'm not going into all that in this blog(maybe at a later time), But, I became inactive.  Once you become really is hard to get back into going....u know??  Its a BIG step to do it!!  Well, I missed Church, honest!!! So, back before I started my blog I began going back.  I was doing good too!!  I was participating in activities not just on Sunday.  And I really feel so good in my heart when I am in Church and I also know I shouldn't NOT go because of others but with my mental illness it just seems harder on me.  I do suffer from bipolar, social anxiety, adjustment disorder along with anxiety and many other things.  I did really good for about a month until my daughter moved in with my grandson and I had to adjust to all of the changes I was dealing with, so, guess what.....I withdrew from things. (that's just how I cope)  Church was one of them.

Before all of this happened I was taking a financial class(which I LOVED and my teacher as well).  And I specifically asked who my Home visiting teacher was because I have NEVER had one come or contact me the whole time I have been in my ward!!!!!!!! which is about 6 years now.  I know who my VT is, and I love her with all my heart, but, after the last time she came by(about 4 months ago) I haven't heard from her.  No phone Facebook message......nothing???  And usually the missionaries come by and see how inactive members are and try to get them back into Church, yea.....its been a while on that too. 

 But last week I got a phone call.  Yes, it was someone from the Church, but they were calling to make sure I knew it was my Saturday to come in and clean the building.  I didn't have a ride and I'll be darned if someone (who I don't know) called me to let me know they would pick me up and everything!!!!!  And I really was going to do it but my carpel tunnel is really bad right now and I am in a splint until I can line up my surgery with an orthopedic.

OK, here is my thing.....and I really could use some feedback PLEASE.......Am I normal for feeling some type of way???  Is it normal that it breaks my heart that I "thought" I had real friends that cared about me????  If the Church really cared, why haven't they reached out to me other then to let me know its my turn to do something for them???? Am I wrong????  Is it just the adversary???  or my mental illness???

To those of you who are members, can you do me a favor???  Reach out to your converts!!  It is really hard to live this lifestyle without a support system!!!  If you have inactive members, call them!! send them a text!!! See how they are doing!!!!!  And people!!!! If you have a calling, such as VT or a Home teacher, do your callings!!! Aren't y'all supposed to be NOT making members feel like me??  How does the Church expect to get members and keep members if they act like they care in Church but outside of Church its like you don't even exist!!  That's really a good way to push people away from the Church!!! I promise ya!!!!!  I talk about going to Church every week!!!  And I still don't go because I feel like I am not even wanted there in the first place!

I am not trying to put my Church down, 
I am not trying to disrespect the Church.
I love my religion and all it stands for
It has made me a better person even if I am not perfect and I know my Heavenly Father still loves me no matter what!

I just wish some of these "members" would take a step back and look at themselves before judging others!!! As members of the Church we should be building each other up, not breaking each other down!!!!

I am sorry for the rant but It is really on my heart to seek advice and figure out what I need to do.  If your reading this, I am grateful for any help or suggestions.  I've been praying and my heart has really been hurting over this and I don't know what to do. Thanks in advance for any advice!!  And if you dont wanna comment......send me a quick little message there on the right side!!

Muahs & #stayblesse

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Saturday in Athens!!!!!! (ThankfulThursday)

OMGosh! Is it #ThankfulThursday already!!??  Well, this may sound stupid, but, I am thankful for taking cheap road-trips with the family!! Ww have just been so busy that we just decided to do something!!! And you know what???  We had a good time Saturday!!!  Something that was much needed for us!!  My daughter was off(which she wont be for a min now with her new work hours) so......One of my old friends and myself made plans while she was at work that Thursday night,  She used to play HS softball and we are all UGA fans(true friends, not just football fans)  So, we planned a day in Athens to go watch UGA's softball team play the Arkansas Razorbacks.  We left early......loaded up and headed to downtown Athens for the day!!!

why am I the only one that looks happy?

glad the weather ended up just perfect!

he wanted mimis sunglasses

FINALLY!! A smile!!!!

he can rawk anything! lol

My beautiful daughter!

I bleed red&black all year!


My ride or die 

Once we got to Athens we went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch!! The service wasn't the best and it seemed to take forever for our pizza(53 mins) we had a great time!! Love quality time with family and good friends!!!!

2015 spring

must b our fav spot because this was on my timehop from a year ago!!! Same elevator 2015



one of my oldest friends

since it took a min to get our food, we were kinda late to the game!!  I am glad we got there when we did because 15 mins later they called the game!!  Lady Dawgs win!!!!! GO DAWGS!!!!!!!

winning run that called the game


Y'all, it is so nice to find things like this to do with my kids!!!  A day in Athens always makes for a good day!!!!

So, have y'all done anything fun lately???  Give me ideas of cheap things yall do with ur families!

Good might y'all!!  I am blessed!! Laying in the bed next to my grandson as he falls asleep and I blog!!  Hope y'all continue to #stayblessed!!
