Saturday, February 14, 2015

#SubscriptionBoxSaturday BB5 Feb 2015

Good Morning Beauties!!!  Guess what!!??  I got a #SubscriptionboxSaturday for ya!!!  what a plus to go out and check the mail today and have my #BeautyBox5 waiting for me!!???

My grandson was super excited about the "snakes" this month!!! (that's what he calls the little paper strip thingies lol)  They were a cute color combo of a pink and a teal color!!  Way more festive then the usual black!

"When it comes to our year, February might just take the cake- literally.  This month were turning 3- yippee!- and we couldn't have done it without you, dear subscriber.  So, how to celebrate our birthday?  Marvelous makeup and superb skincare, of course!  Were so happy you joined the party~ now, throw some confetti and dig in!"

To go get yours......just click here!

The first thing this month, which is a full size: Marsk Mineral eyeshadow in vanilla frosting

Retail: $22.50 0.04oz

We couldn't ship actual birthday cake, but how about some frosting?  Treat yourself to this iridescent mineral eye shadow! BB5 Tip: With subtle sparkle. it can also double as a soft highlighter #marsk

My thought??  I can always use a good highlighter.  Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get it open for a decent swatch!!  I am so sorry!! As soon as I get into it, Ill update and add a picture!!  I honestly don't think I would pay 23.00 for this tiny little pod thingie though,,,,,,,,

next: Revlon Colorstay nail enamel | Retail: 3.99 0.4 fl oz

This was also a full size product!!!
Stand out at any soiree and balance the confetti with a bold nail!  These supersaturated hues have our hearts when it comes to a one-coat coverage and longlasting wear.  I got the color velvet rope

I don't mind this at all! I love anything nail related!!  I haven't tested this color yet but will real soon!!  I am really happy with this!!

3rd thing is Absolute New York Absolute Love Lip Balm | Retail $5.00 0.42 oz


There's so many reasons to cheer for this party ready balm!  Major moisture?? Check!  Sweet scent??  Check!!  A tiny amount of tint??  Check!!  Cute in your clutch??  check!!  #absoluteny

Once again y'all!!!  This is also a full size!!!!! What what??!!  I got this in bubble gum.  I have to say, this smells just like it!!!!  The description says it has a hint of color.........

I don't know if I really agree with that!!  Maybe just bad lighting on my swatch??

now lets do my....

least favorite thing......

GlamGlow Youthmud Tinglexfoliate Treatment | Retail: $69.00 1.7 oz

After a long celebration, your skin needs some TLC!  Apply this anti-aging mask for 10 mins (it tingles while its working!)  then rinse off in  circular motions- it doubles as an exfoliant!  #glamglow

Ok, first off.......FOIL PACK!!!!  I HATE these things!!!  And not only that, how am I gonna know if I like something after using it only one time???   uhhhhhhh, No! Im good!! thanks anyways!!!

wanna know my fave????

Avon Big Color Eye Pencil | retail $3.49 0.056 oz

Spend less time getting ready and more time gertting down with these pretties- just glide and go! BB5 Tip: For color that lasts all night, layer over a powder or primer!!! #avon

I am not an avon girl!!! But, I have to say I got some avon lotion for Christmas and now I have 3!!  I am super excited to try this!!  This was also another full size item!!! I got the color, well, shoot!!  I cant find the name!!  But, it looks like it will be a great inner corner and brow bone highlighter!!!

We also got a BB5 Bonus

$20.00 Gift card for #yourminerals

All in all I am pretty happy with this months box!!  I mean, 4 outta 5 items were full size this month!!  I cant wait to try some of it out and maybe review it for y'all!!!!  Now its time to get back to my sweet hearts!! I hope y'all have a perfect Valentines Day!!!!

From me to you!!!!!!


I don't get much hatred????

*disclaimer* this is ,y personal opinion and thoughts! please, DO NOT judge others due to what I think!!!!!

I really just wanna blog my thoughts right this moment.  Sorry y'all, no beauty tips.....or unboxing right now. just me thinking and feeling like writing.

So, I wrote a blog earlier about going through hard know. how the adversary will mess with you and Heavenly Father will take care of you, you know......nothing to serious.  Well, I got a tweet from someone that was slightly rude.

I am Mormon(EEEEEKKKKKKK!!!  OH NO), I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints.  I am very proud of that!  I am proud of my religion and my beliefs! It really breaks my heart just how rude some people can be!!!!  I guess my thing is this, if you don't like what we believe, or don't believe what we believe, that's just fine and dandy!!!That is your right!! We have a thing called freedom of religion!!   So, you don't have to be ugly or rude about it.  I have plenty of friends that are baptist, Pentecostal, non believers, even Jehovah witnesses as friends!! And you know what we do????  We talk to each other!! I always share my beliefs..but...I would never try and make someone believe what I do.....Just share what I know. And pray for each of my friends.  I would NEVER tell someone they are going to hell for what they believe!!  (not my place)

Some people who are "Christians"  say some really hateful things.  I honestly don't believe that is how my savior acted while he was here on earth!!!  And I don't think it is any of our places to tell anyone they are going to hell!!! That is Heavenly Father's decision to make.  We do NOT know someones personal relationship with God!!  AND......people do sin, we ALL sin!!!! no one is perfect!  thankfully through the atonement I can be forgiven and so can u!!!

it is impossible to put into words the full meaning of the Atonement, which is the most important and most transcendent event in the history of the world. Through His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, the Savior atoned for our sins. This is the good news for all people!
 to read more, go here

Don't most religions believe that Christ was sent here to die for our sins so we can be saved and have everlasting life!! (john 3:16) So, If I believe that as well as the baptist that lives across the street, what makes me bad?  Also, So many people bring up JS and polygamy......really y'all!!??  That was way back when!!  I don't have sister wives!!  Heck, I'm not even married!!  I also read last night that JS was a pedophile because he married 14 yr old girls!!  Come on y'all!!!  My grandparents were married that young!!  That's how things were back then!!  Just like my grandparents legit were married until death do they part!!  Not many people can say that now.  Divorce rate is at the highest!! Heck, people don't even take marriage so seriously anymore.  Times change......people change.  That doesn't mean every Mormon has multiple wives, we don't dance with snakes. I really think instead of all the hate and judgement, why not us all work together and reach out to people who have no idea who Christ or our Heavenly Father are! People who don't know the plan of salvation.....lets work together to bring people closer to Christ and our Heavenly Father!!  Not push people or scare people away!!  This world needs more love and humility, not hate and judgement!!  None of us are perfect and I know I will NEVER be!! BUT, I will strive to be the best person I can be!  And that includes loving everyone no matter their background, race, sexuality, or religion!!!

Religion and faith are things that people have to find, research, study, pray about on their own.  Its never forced on any of us.  Your gonna believe what you feel in your heart is right.

I'm really sorry y'all.  I guess I am a big hearted person who thinks all the hate should stop!! If you don't like our religion(or if you're prejudice to anything) .......then don't search up #Mormon.  I feel like that is what some people sit around and do!!  If your one of those people, I am sorry.  I may be Mormon, but, I am also a good hearted mom, daughter, and grandma who loves music, makeup, fashion, my family, my american bulldog. sometimes a cup of coffee( I am human), puts one heel on at a time, southern bell preachers daughter!!!!


Because in the end, what it all boils down to is respect!!!! If u want others to respect you you have to first give respect!!  Just something to think about!!!

Good Night!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday 13th; Valentines;life

Good morning beautifuls!!! How are y'all today!??  Guess what day it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol!  Today is Friday!! yay!!!! Oh......wait.......its Friday 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!  But guess what? that's fine by me cause it is honestly to cold to get out and about today!!!  Let me check my weather app real, here in Ga right now it is 31 but real feel is 26!! Yeah, I'm beyond good! lol  I am pretty superstitious though.  I don't like Friday the 13th.  I am the type that something bad will happen.....

Its also Valentines Day Eve!!!  who is ready for that???  (not me)  I was hoping it would be special this year, but, don't look like it.  Everyone is on Facebook already posting there pics of flowers, surprises, you know.....all that good  I guess you can say "love is in the air"

So, too all of y'all celebrating Vday..........

and to those of you not celebrating............

So, how was y'all's week??  Mine was busy,  I had to go get my daughters birth certificate so we could replace her lost license.  DMV is always fun to deal with.  BUT, when we went.....NO ONE was even there!!!  What????  Yay.

You know.  I wanna talk a little about something that has been on my heart and my best friend said something to me that just has stuck.  Have you ever been at a point in your life where it seems nothing was going the way it should,  Or that bad things seem to always happen to you???  I know I have!!  I go through this a ton in my everyday life.  I get down on myself from time to time.   Like, I think......what am I doing wrong??  Am I bad person cause it seems bad things always happen to me??  you know the question everyone asks! "why do bad things happen to good people?"

When your going through a rough patch, or if it seems that nothing is going right, we need to be humble......we have to remember someone is going through something way worse!!!  My best friend has been going through a time right now.  Her mom was living with her and up and left her high and dry!!  My friend thought Monday that she was not gonna have a place to live or anything.  Also, now that her mom is gone she doesn't have a reliable way back and forth to work.  Y'all, this is my best friend and her son going through this and I was with her the whole time.  Trying to help and offer the support she needed.  Me?? With my bipolar and everything would have just lost it!!!  She did so good and stayed so strong regardless of the situation.  Anyhow, we got to talking and I was telling here how sorry I was that she was going through such a hard time and i didn't understand how a single mom, who works her butt off was going through this and we couldn't find her a place and everything else. what she said to me really hit home and made so much since.......and I cant believe I never thought of it this way.......she said, "the devil is working against me" that's why!!  you know, if I'm late for Church.....or don't go for a reason, I always recognize that the devil is really trying to keep me from church, or I always know that when its a spiritual matter.  u know???

But, my friend was right!  I mean, think about it........ Doesn't it always seem the dirty, sneaky, no good people always have the best, or find ways to get things.  wanna know why?? Cause!!! They are living that life that the adversary loves!!!!! lying, stealing, cheating, ect!  Those of us who try and lead a spiritual life.....hard working......big hearts.....always putting others before ourselves, ect......the adversary does all he can to bring us down!!  He doesn't want us to succeed and do well for ourselves.

I guess what I am trying to say is this.......

If you are reading this and going through something........anything that may be trying to bring you down.........remember........fix your crown sweetheart, your a daughter of royalty.......know your worth, pray, keep your head up, keep your faith, and most importantly.....endure until the end!!  You are all sons and daughters to our Heavenly Father.  I know through prayer and faith our Heavenly Father will supply all your needs(Phill 4:19) And you will be rewarded in the end.  It isn't always the easy path for us Christians, but, we do become stronger with every little thing we go through and we are even more thankful when we are blessed.
(another thing I believe the more we go through, the stronger we are.  Heavenly Father would not......NOT.....but more on you then you can, if your going through a ton of stuff, take it as a compliment!!! Heavenly Father knows you can handle it!)

I really hope my blog today has touched someone and maybe even helped!!  My friend???  well, it worked out for the moment.  She has a roof over her head, Heavenly Father really looked out for her(not without testing her faith though) and he has provided for her.

I love y'all and I pray for all of my readers every single day.

Stay blessed and continue to endure until the end!!!!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Manic Monday!!!!! anything goes!!

Hey Y'all!! I know, I know, once again........looooooonnnnggggg time!!! NO MORE!! I really swear. lol  How have my lovely beauties been??  I pray y'all have been doing just fine!!! 

So, #manicmonday!!!!??  Y'all know that means I am free to right about anything and in any order that I want!! This is my day to release anything that may be on my mind at any given time hahahaha!!

First thing first.......

                                                                       RIP Punk!!!!!

Punk was my kids paw paw on their dads side.  My ex-husbands dad.  This man right here.......y'all!!  I love this man like he is my own dad!!  I went through so much with this family but this man right here NEVER once judged me or treated me any differently no matter what me and his son were going through!!  He loved everybody and was a typical southern preacher.  He knew what our purpose in life was and his goal was to save anyone or anything he ever came into contact with!!  I have shared his birthday with him for the last 20 years and I am honestly gonna hate not being able to call him and cut up with him and tell him happy birthday anymore, which breaks my heart.  I do know he is home with our Heavenly Father and I know he is gonna be missed by so many!  I just hope my kids know that they have a lot of their paw paws ways and he will continue to live on....through them!

punk(right) and his brother Pete

Next, I finally got me a new laptop so I can continue my blog!!  It is the cutest little thing ever!!  I am glad I found this.  I have been looking, trying to find a laptop that I like for a decent price.  I really hate making such large purchases!  Many of the little laptops I have found like the chromebooks and netbooks, have NO memory!! And I am a picture taker!! I need memory!!  lol  I found the HP stream notebook. 
The price? 210.00 after taxes
The memory? 2gb

The memory scares me but, it does come with 1gb with the cloud!!  It also has a place for jump drives and a SD card.  I pray memory will not be too big of a problem!  I also have my ICloud synced with the laptop, so, that's more memory right there!!  It has a webcam.......its really LOUD!! AND super cute!!!  So far I am delightfully surprised!

My final topic tonight is family, mainly siblings!  Y'all know I have already told u about my grandsons "sperm donor" and how he acted towards his son not to long back, right? Well, we ran into his other babies mommas tonight at Walmart!  These girls were the sweetest and guess what??  Just like Karsyn, these kids do not know their "sperm donor" either!!!!  We did decided to set up a play date because just because their dad isn't around, doesn't mean they don't have anyone.  I mean, in the long run, they will know each either and they will be able to help each other when needed!!  It really bothers me though because not one of these kids asked to be here and I don't think it is right that they have to suffer!!  so.......ladies with kids and your baby daddy has other kids by other women, please! Put your differences aside and let these kids know their siblings!! Cause y'all know what??  I know I am getting old and when I die.....guess who my kids will have???? each other!!!  And after seeing punks family this week at the funeral, I see how important siblings are and how one day, that's gonna be all we have. 

well, I hope my rambling didnt bother u too bad lol!! Tomorrow?? #terrifictuesday