Saturday, February 14, 2015

I don't get much hatred????

*disclaimer* this is ,y personal opinion and thoughts! please, DO NOT judge others due to what I think!!!!!

I really just wanna blog my thoughts right this moment.  Sorry y'all, no beauty tips.....or unboxing right now. just me thinking and feeling like writing.

So, I wrote a blog earlier about going through hard know. how the adversary will mess with you and Heavenly Father will take care of you, you know......nothing to serious.  Well, I got a tweet from someone that was slightly rude.

I am Mormon(EEEEEKKKKKKK!!!  OH NO), I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints.  I am very proud of that!  I am proud of my religion and my beliefs! It really breaks my heart just how rude some people can be!!!!  I guess my thing is this, if you don't like what we believe, or don't believe what we believe, that's just fine and dandy!!!That is your right!! We have a thing called freedom of religion!!   So, you don't have to be ugly or rude about it.  I have plenty of friends that are baptist, Pentecostal, non believers, even Jehovah witnesses as friends!! And you know what we do????  We talk to each other!! I always share my beliefs..but...I would never try and make someone believe what I do.....Just share what I know. And pray for each of my friends.  I would NEVER tell someone they are going to hell for what they believe!!  (not my place)

Some people who are "Christians"  say some really hateful things.  I honestly don't believe that is how my savior acted while he was here on earth!!!  And I don't think it is any of our places to tell anyone they are going to hell!!! That is Heavenly Father's decision to make.  We do NOT know someones personal relationship with God!!  AND......people do sin, we ALL sin!!!! no one is perfect!  thankfully through the atonement I can be forgiven and so can u!!!

it is impossible to put into words the full meaning of the Atonement, which is the most important and most transcendent event in the history of the world. Through His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, the Savior atoned for our sins. This is the good news for all people!
 to read more, go here

Don't most religions believe that Christ was sent here to die for our sins so we can be saved and have everlasting life!! (john 3:16) So, If I believe that as well as the baptist that lives across the street, what makes me bad?  Also, So many people bring up JS and polygamy......really y'all!!??  That was way back when!!  I don't have sister wives!!  Heck, I'm not even married!!  I also read last night that JS was a pedophile because he married 14 yr old girls!!  Come on y'all!!!  My grandparents were married that young!!  That's how things were back then!!  Just like my grandparents legit were married until death do they part!!  Not many people can say that now.  Divorce rate is at the highest!! Heck, people don't even take marriage so seriously anymore.  Times change......people change.  That doesn't mean every Mormon has multiple wives, we don't dance with snakes. I really think instead of all the hate and judgement, why not us all work together and reach out to people who have no idea who Christ or our Heavenly Father are! People who don't know the plan of salvation.....lets work together to bring people closer to Christ and our Heavenly Father!!  Not push people or scare people away!!  This world needs more love and humility, not hate and judgement!!  None of us are perfect and I know I will NEVER be!! BUT, I will strive to be the best person I can be!  And that includes loving everyone no matter their background, race, sexuality, or religion!!!

Religion and faith are things that people have to find, research, study, pray about on their own.  Its never forced on any of us.  Your gonna believe what you feel in your heart is right.

I'm really sorry y'all.  I guess I am a big hearted person who thinks all the hate should stop!! If you don't like our religion(or if you're prejudice to anything) .......then don't search up #Mormon.  I feel like that is what some people sit around and do!!  If your one of those people, I am sorry.  I may be Mormon, but, I am also a good hearted mom, daughter, and grandma who loves music, makeup, fashion, my family, my american bulldog. sometimes a cup of coffee( I am human), puts one heel on at a time, southern bell preachers daughter!!!!


Because in the end, what it all boils down to is respect!!!! If u want others to respect you you have to first give respect!!  Just something to think about!!!

Good Night!!!

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