Saturday, November 15, 2014

it's a great day to be a GA dawg!

It's really a great day in Athens! Tonight's game against Auburn was awesome! I can truly say I can't remember the last time UGA played both halves with so much heart ❤!!
I was really happy to see Gurley back. I'm definitely a Gurley gurl, but, I may have to bring Chubbs in as my side-manπŸ˜‚
Gurley did injure his elbow I believe and also, something worth his leg.
The game was a good one to watch, that's for sure!!
Her are the stats from bleacher report.....
Georgia Bulldogs Grade Analysis

Passing Offense

Georgia's passing offense was stellar in the first half, but its receiving offense was atrocious. Hutson Mason threw several pretty deep balls, but Georgia targets failed to haul them in. Dropped passes kept points off the board on several occasions. As the game progressed the passing attack became less viable as Georgia's primary objective was to eat clock.

Rushing Offense

Todd Gurley's return was relatively anticlimactic in the first half, but he was solid on the ground and demonstrated tremendous patience and toughness. Both he and Chubb were on pace for 100-yard days at halftime. They both comfortably eclipsed that mark and Georgia ran for a total of 289 yards on the day.

Pass Defense

Georgia's pass defense was fantastic thanks in no small party to intense pressure throughout the first half. And it was nice to see the Bulldogs prevent a Hail Mary touchdown as the first half expired. In the second half, the pass defense gave a little more ground, but ultimately that was acceptable as Georgia remained tough against the run.

Run Defense

Georgia's defense wasn't constantly great but it was consistently good enough to keep Auburn's offense from gaining any momentum in the first half. Auburn had some success, but Georgia remained disciplined and swarmed with fervor. In the second half, Georgia was even more impressive against the run as Auburn desperately came up short time and time again.

Special Teams

A game-opening kickoff return was negated, but other than that Georgia's special teams play was stellar. Kick coverage was fine, field goals and extra points were clean and the Dawgs eve recovered a muffed punt.


Head coach Mark Richt had Georgia prepared not only to win but to control the game. And despite giving up a score on the game's opening drive, Georgia did just that in the first half. The story for the second half was equally positive as all three phases of the game hit their stride for Georgia and the Bulldogs embarrassed a highly-touted rival.

Unless otherwise noted, all stats courtesy of

remember to lock your car doors

Yup, I reckon it's that time of year. With holidays quickly approaching, I want you to remember a few things.
•park in well lit parking lots.
• don't carry tons of cash
• and lord knows DO NOT leave your purse in your car/truck!!!!
Yea, I know.... Common sense, right?? It is until you and your daughter are running late and the baby needs baby wipes!
We stopped at our local grocery store a little after 5 yesterday. All we were grabbing was the wipes so, I grabbed the debit card and pushed my purse behind the seat and car seat. (we were in the ranger, so.... Wasn't like it was just sitting in a back seat... It was slightly hid.
Anyhow, 5 mins!! Ran in, grabbed wipes, checked out with no wait, got in the truck and made it to our destination.
Well, I reached back to grab my purse to stick the debit card in it and it was GONE!! I started freaking! Called my daughter to make sure she hadn't grabbed it. Pulled over searching πŸ” the truck, and it was really gone. At this point I'm freaking out!!
I really don't understand why or how people can steal from other people?? Luckily, they didn't get alot of money, but, they did get ALL my info. My birth certificate,I.d., kids info, and all my other cards. So, this morning I've got to go up to the store and view the tape and make a police report. I'm really paying they decided since it had nothing they could use that they just dumped it somewhere!!
Anyhow, I'm trying not to let this get me down, but, that is really hard. So, if you pray.... Maybe mention me??
My dinner date. Trying to forget about what happened for a moment.
Bargain finder!
Y'all know I'm all about finding deals and stuff!! Do you have a dollar general?? Well, for the next 2 days they have select apparel and socks for 50% off!! I found me some warm, cozy, fuzzy PJ's and warm, fuzzy socks!!
PJ's originally 8.00 got em for 4.00
Socks originally 3.00 and I got em for 1.50 for 2 pair
I'm glad I found these cause, I do believe winter is upon us here in Georgia πŸ˜’
Til later!

Friday, November 14, 2014

just a quick DIY.....

Just a quick DIY. We bought an older small lil house which is so out of date!! Lol I've been slowly trying to fix it up... By myself πŸ˜‰ so, if yall like these kinds of posts let me know!!
(I'm in the process of cleaning so, please excuse it)
As you can see, my kitchen is teeniny
My washer and dryer are to the left and very few cabinets.
My neighbor had an entertainment unit he was wanting to give us if we wanted it!! Of course.... It was free, and like I've said before, I love a bargain πŸ˜‰
Unfortunately our tv is to big to for in it. I had to figure out something to do with it. Anyhow, took the does off the front to and poof..
I had this adorable microwave stand!!! (don't mind the code pot, not everyone in the house is Mormon lol)
In the bottom cabinets I use for food storage. Kind of my lil make believe pantry


Good morning beauties!! I love ❤ love ❤ makeup and makeup trends. I wanna incorporate it into my blog from time 2 time...
I am a subscription box addict! (#sorrynotsorry) lol
Every month I love getting birchbox, ipsy, and beautybox5.
The last few months I haven't gotten ipsy or birchbox because I've been saving some money for Christmas πŸŽ„.
Anyhow, today my look is pretty simple cause honestly, it's really just to cold to care haha.
Yes, I'm wearing a Nike hoodie, warm PJ's, and fuzzy socks! (I hate being cold πŸ˜’)
For my face i have on
•model co bronzer in bronze
•ulta blush (not sure of the color because my sticker peeled off) but, it's a pretty pink color with a lil bit of some shimmer!
•marcelle pressed powder in light/pale
For my eyes I have on
•napoleon loose eye dust in pink champagne
•Revlon bold lacquer in blackest black
My lips
•bellapierre cosmetics cheek and lip strain in the color pink
I'm really new to blogging about these things, so, if you want me to post more things like this, let me know πŸ‘Œ or, would yall like me to do any reviews on anything? Comment!! I would def love some feedback!! Anyhow, TGIF!! Stay warm beauties!

are we raising a gen of helpless kids?

So, I read an article yesterday on Huffington post that really got me thinking and made me even step back and reanalyze my parenting a little......

But why have parents shifted from teaching self-reliance to becoming hovering helicopter parents who want to protect their children at all costs?

"I think it began in the fall of 1982, when seven people died after taking extra-strength Tylenol laced with poison after it left the factory," he says. Halloween was just around the corner, and parents began checking every item in the loot bags. Homemade brownies and cookies (usually the most coveted items) hit the garbage; unwrapped candy followed close behind.

That led to an obsession with their children's safety in every aspect of their lives. Instead of letting them go outside to play, parents filled their kid's spare time with organized activities, did their homework for them, resolved their conflicts at school with both friends and teachers, and handed out trophies for just showing up.

"These well-intentioned messages of 'you're special' have come back to haunt us," Elmore says. "We are consumed with protecting them instead of preparing them for the future. We haven't let them fall, fail and fear. The problem is that if they don't take risks early on like climbing the monkey bars and possibly falling off, they are fearful of every new endeavor at age 29."

Psychologists and psychiatrists are seeing more and more young people having a quarter-life crisis and more cases of clinical depression. The reason? Young people tell them it's because they haven't yet made their first million or found the perfect mate.

Teachers, coaches and executives complain that Gen Y kids have short attention spans and rely on external, instead of internal motivation. The goal of Growing Leaders is to reverse the trend and help young people become more creative and self-motivated so they can rely on themselves and don't need external motivation.
What??? Wow, never in a million years. So, here is what I've concluded, it's time to go back to the good ole days! I never was inside, I remember as a little girl.... My parents MADE me stay outside!! Until dark!! Lol but, you know what? I had an imagination....i learned to be independent....i learned problem solving skills because my parents would always tell us to"figure it out"
Kids now days, idk, but....i know my son, sometimes, if he wasn't on his game it was "im soooo bored"
I honestly just told my son the other day I remember playing in the driveway with a bunch of hot wheels. We drew roads in the dirt and made different buildings out of rocks.
So, lets forget the norm.... Let your children be children. Don't be afraid to let them get dirty...
That dirt your child just ate, it's not gonna kill em
That scraped knee, it don't need stitches
Let your kid be a kid and be there if they need lifting up. Prepare them for the future.... Don't protect em from it.
Yea, he is playing with sticks! Lol
Just running!!
I do believe that smile says it all 😍
Muahs (read full article here)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

i forgot something...... lol

From my thankful Thursday post, I forgot my fave pic from my gmas funeral
Aunt Delores unc james my dad (left to right) and my uncle Wayne in the back.
Only one who is missing is my aunt Joyce who is in Utah and couldn't come so to her health.

thankful Thursday

Good morning y'all!! Hope you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your day cause I know I didn't πŸ˜’
Once again I didn't hear my phone go off so, I woke up rushing(ugh, which is the worse thing ever!!)
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I notice people talking about things they are thankful for. This is great, but, I really wish people could do this everyday.... All year!! Not just in November, ya know??
Today I wanna say I'm beyond thankful for my family!!! If it wasn't for my family, I don't know how I would have made out through so many things in my life!
Me and my big cousin Rikki
Me and my youngest
RIP gma Sept 2014
AND I'm thankful for anything pumpkin! I'm making pumpkin pie 🍰 and my house smells delicious πŸ˜‹
What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

my day got better........

Except being a lil manic πŸ˜’ that whole post I tried to do earlier really messed me up. I've prayed and I believe I will retry it at a later day. One reason that makes it really hard to talk about my childhood and my mom is because she passed away just a few years ago. But, I will share with y'all soon. Another reason it's so hard is because not many people know my whole story. When I post it, have LMN on stand by, kk?
Anyways, after I calmed down some... My son, daughter, grandson and myself enjoyed some outside time before it gets really cold!!
I really got to take him to get his hair cut this weekend!!
Meanwhile....karsyn was trying to escape
Then karsyn got to play with Maddie and we even helped him climb a tree lol
I just love my lil family to pieces. This is how I deal with most of my issues. Also, here it is after midnight and I just cleaned my whole house AGAIN!! (One plus side to being manic, the downside is I probably won't sleep πŸ’€ and I gotta babysit tomorrow)
Also, I'm really loving cranberry sprite!!! My recent obsession
Is there anything yall are obsessing over right now?? I'd love ❤ to know!!

my blog triggered me???

Wow, never thought my blog could be a trigger. This sucks, I'm really feeling it....100!!
I just tried to write a blog about my mom and my childhood. I can honestly say I HATE reliving my childhood πŸ˜’ anyhow, I wrote for about an hour and then my phone died! What? Really?? So, my day has been just bad so far. I've been easily annoyed by little things,I got manic as heck.... Lets just say, I cleaned my whole house top to bottom in less then an hr. I'm just now sitting down and trying to compose myself.
I promise I'll redo that blog about why I am the way I am soon. Just, not at this time, please bear with me.......
I don't take meds, so, I cope the best I can on my own....
And please don't judge me. I hate living like a zombie and when I was on my meds...i gained so much weight and it wasn't healthy.
So, until later

smarty pants

No, really.... He is!! My son, who is 11 for a few more weeks, is so smart!! I am so beyond proud of him!
He did very well all through elementary school and I'm not gonna lie...i was nervous about him going to middle school this year!! You know, when they are lil.... You can be on top of everything they do! The teacher would communicate with you on a daily basis. But, not in middle school! It's all up to him now. But, I have to say.... He has surprised me so far this year.
He hasn't never been the athletic type like his older brother. He is a gamer and a book worm. But, this year he has really taken on alot. I was worried, but, he has exceled like always!! He has all AP classes.
He wanted to take band ✔
Yes... He chose the tuba lol
He mastered his locker ✔
He got in with the football team.....(water boy until spring cause 6th grade can't play)✔
He has blossomed into this social butterfly ✔
Homecoming 2014
And he is on the academic team!! Their first match they won 2 outta 3 matches and his last match they won all the matches!!
And with all this going on.... He still managed all As and two Bs on his report card!! Yeah, I'm a proud momma!
What have your lil ones done that make you proud??

Terrific (tired) Tuesday

My Tuesday started off really early. I agreed to watch my friends daughter while she worked and my second daughter stayed the night with my daughter.
My 2 daughters and myself
Yea, these two right here were too turnt! I swear they were chocolate wasted!! Lol
Here in Ga right now...... It's fixing to get cold πŸ˜’ we have a cold front moving in, but, today was perfect!! Clear skies and in the 70s!!!!! We def took advantage of the beautiful weather. The whole neighborhood is looking fallish(if that is even a word....)
We took Karsyn outside to let him play, he likes to play pretend in the boat... But, everytime d would crank the boat.... My lil boog came right to me and just would hold on to me!!
I really cherish these moments!! He even helped me bake a pumpkin pie 🍰
I love love doing things like this with my kids and grandson....i just want to be close with them and I'm thankful for the fact that I get to spend so much time enjoying my boog!
How's the weather been where you are at??

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

lazy FHE

Monday nights......i love them!! That's when we do FHE(family home evening)
Ever since my youngest started middle school this year, we seem to be so busy! From academic team meets, football, 4-h, regular school days, church activities, and his"gaming" I really feel like I don't get to be with my baby near as much as I used to!! *tear*
So, Monday nights is really like my security blanket. I'm gonna hold on to these for as long as I can!! Not only do we get to disconnect from the outside world and spend time together, but, it's also a time of learning and spiritual growth as a family.
Don't get me wrong, I love ❤ getting lessons together and making fun treats or baking with my son.... But, I am human and some days I'm really wore out (I know, not an excuse) but, my daughter and grandson have been up for two weeks now... So, we ended up not having a lesson 😒 BUT...
Sloppy Joe's
And family πŸ‘ͺ time and love...... Sounds like a pretty good FHE to me!! What did ya'll do for FHE? Or if not, what was for dinner? How was your lil ones day?