Monday, January 5, 2015


Today is #manicmonday!! Hey y'all! How was your weekend? Mine was alright. My birthday went ok. Was with my kids and a couple of friends came by.  I also returned my laptop.😞 no, i didn't want to, but, it was the right decision. That was just a bunch of money spent on something i just don't have to have at the moment. I pray I'll be able to get it back soon, but, right now just wasn't the right time. That's just one of them things us mom's just have to do sometimes.  Ya know? And you know what, i am very proud of myself for being able to do that. With my bipolar, i used to not think of things and what will happen in the long run. I believe i have become so much better being responsible financially!!!! That was always the bad thing off being manic! Not being able to control my spending habits!! I am so thankful I'm getting stronger and able to control that more.

My son came up on weds and yesterday i had to drive him back home to Columbus!! This really is sad to me. I barely get to see him because of his football. I have to really appreciate the time i do get with him! I love my son and I'm beyond proud of him. He got to go to Atlanta this past week for the rising seniors bowl. He was the one player from his high school that was chosen. He told me it was a cool thing. They got to play football, had workshops on life after football and things to think about for collage and they painted pictures for the hospital!!

My baby is grown
Play ball
Working hard

As i was saying earlier, my bday was ok. I did get too spend it with the ones i love, and that's fine by me. We had spaghetti for dinner(my fave) and just chilled at the house. My 17 year old son used to always be rocked as a baby, so, i attempted to rock his big ole butt,  yea. That didn't work! Then ALL of my kids decided to see if i could hold em all!

Rocking my baby
Ion know why she grabbed his boobs lol

Then my friends shae and allyssa came by. I don't drink, but they do, and it was so funny watching my friend shae take like 30 mins to take a shot! Lol then we went and grabbed milkshakes right before midnight!

Then on Sunday, me and my lil squad loaded up to head to Columbus to take my son home. I hope i get too see him soon! 

So, what all did you do this weekend??


Melissa aka maduke