Saturday, January 3, 2015

#subscriptionboxSaturday arcade nerd block

Hey Ya'll!!!  Happy Saturday!!!!  How is 2015 going for ya'll so far????  I pray its treating you well. This is probably one of my most viewed days for my blog, but today its gonna be changed up just a little bit.  It is still #subscriptionboxsaturday, but.......not a makeup one.  Its one my son subscribed to for Christmas.

arcade box is perfect for that gamer or nerd in your life!

The Subscription Box: Arcade Block

The Cost: $19.99 plus shipping ($9.50 shipping to the US)

The Products: Gamer gear, collectibles, etc, plus a new t-shirt each month.

Ships to: Worldwide!

Now, I wasn't so sure about this because of the price.  Its priced about double the amount of my beauty boxes.  BUT, my son LOVED it!!! AND it was totally worth it!!!!

Portal Scarf ($19.99) - I don't know a lot about video games, but I do know that Aperture Laboratories is from Portal.  This was pretty cool. It's also thick and well made......cozy. My son liked it.

Asobu Touch Control ($9.99) - This attaches to your smartphone so that you can play games with an arcade-style joystick.  It works with all touchscreen phones and tablets. 

Sonic the Hedgehog Fridge Magnets ($6.95) - I love these magnets!  You can arrange them on your fridge to create a scene from the game.

Halo Lanyard ($5.95) - This has an attachment you can add your ID too, which is nice if you work at a place like I do that requires you to badge in through every door.

The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass Figure ($4.99) - This is a blind box item with a Zelda character inside.

But, I have to say that my son"s most favorite thing this month was his tee

He LOVES Super Smash bros.  He just got the game for his 2DS for Christmas!!  He thought it was a cool concept, the grand theft auto vice city logo with super smash bros!!!

All in all. I really thin this was worth the money.  I am hoping we can keep this subscription going for me.

so, if your a gamer or have a special gamer in your life.......go check nerd block out!!!!!  

PS!!!!!! Its my Birthday!!!! TURN UPPPPP!


Melissa aka maduke

Thursday, January 1, 2015

OMG!! Best Birthday Gift ever!!!!!

HHEEEEYYYYY Ya'll! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I am super, super excited!!!!  Today is of course #ThankfulThursday, so! I gotta say what I Am so thankful for today!!!!!

I am beyond thankful for my family!!  I have been computerless since I started this blog.  I have to say, very hard to do from a little, cheap smart phone.  That's one reason I haven't been able to get into being consistent.  Since my bday is Saturday, I got me a new laptop today!!!  I am super excited!!  I haven't had a new one in a min!!!  My family is awesome, I mean....really, they are!

They know I LOVE blogging, I do!  And they have heard me complain and moan now since October about blogging from my crappy phone! lol Well, not anymore!!! I am honestly dancing a jig right now.......really........
The next thing I am thankful for is that my kids were able to have a great Christmas!!  I know I have shared a little from Christmas eve but, I got Christmas day coming up real soon!!
I am also thankful I got to be with my kids and D last night to bring in the new year.  No clubs or and sound, at home, with my family.  I couldn't ask for a better way to bring in the new year!!!  And I am beyond blessed to see another year......2015 and my 37th year on this earth!!!! 

aren't my new cards soooooo cute!!!  I adore them so much!! PINK!! I found them at Wal-Mart!!!
I pray that everyone had a great time last night ringing in the new year and I wish for a happy and successful 2015!!!!!
What's your resolution????
now I gotta get a new layout for my blog from my Christmas one!! Any suggestions on where to get a good layout??


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas eve

Christmas eve was pretty laid back for us.  We were lazy all day!! We watched Christmas shows.....

We played in our pjs all day

Every year we watch "a Christmas story" for the whole 24hrs! We let my son and grandson open one gift each to kick off everything!

Karsyn got a book and kota got a cool knife from his sister.

Kota helped his nephew put a Christmas tree cake out for santa, then took Karsyn to bed.

After a few hours, santa finally got everything set up!!

Once everything was said and done, and all the kids were asleep, d and myself sat on the couch.....listening to christmas carols and just looking at the tree. It was really nice. I felt really blessed that santa was so good to our family this year!! I pray santa was good to y'all as well!! What do y'all do after santa comes??


Melissa aka maduke

Back at it

Good morning y'all!! So sorry i haven't been keeping up with my schedule!! I promise Ya things will be back on track hopefully this week!! I got a few post planned to come up soon. I gotta tell y'all about the best Christmas ever, new years resolutions, I'm turning 37, and many more!! I'm so thankful y'all have been patient with me!!

Today i wanna share my grandson with my s.o.'s cousins horses Christmas day. He was in love!! And i have to say that Mr mudd was pretty fond of Karsyn too!

Then, he even got to go down to the barn and watch the horses get fed and he got to ride!

So, did y'all do anything new and exciting during the holidays?? Wanna see a video of our Christmas eve and Christmas day????  Our very merry Christmas 2014: here 


Melissa aka maduke