Saturday, December 13, 2014

Update and prayers please

Hey my loves! ! I just wanna apologize about my "subscription box Saturdays" but, i haven't received my birchbox yet!! Ugh! Lol by January, everything should be posted accordingly!! I promise!!

Please!! Send prayers for my son. He had been running a fever all day and before bed it was at 103!! I've given him meds and he is resting, but,if it isn't down in an hour, we are hanging to the ER!! I'll keep you posted and thank you in advance for prayers!


Melissa aka maduke

Friday, December 12, 2014


Well, Guess what day it is!!!???  "Its Friday....Friday.....gotta get down on Friday".....what ever happened to that girl??  Rebecca Black???  lol Anyways, back to the subject!!!

#FitnessFriday yet again!!  So, How did your week go?? Have you been making those little lifestyle changes??  A week at a time??  My week has been OK.  Y'all know I told y'all my biggest challenge is eating....yes, that's right....eating!!  I hate food so much!!! UGH!!!!!  I'm doing a little better.  Still having to make myself eat something. Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world like this.  Most people are the opposite.  They LOVE food.  not me.....its so frustrating.  Since I sucked at that this week again, I believe I am going to start meal prepping again,  Last year, while losing 75lbs....On Sundays I would do meal Prep.  Prep out things to eat for the whole week and put them in my little containers.  I seemed to eat a little more and more regularly that way.

My other challenge this past week was to get moving a little more.  I have been doing a little walking almost every day this week.  It helps when I have to go up to the store because I will walk instead of driving.  When I do that I am guaranteed a mile.  So, YAY on that cool!!!

My challenges this week are as follows:

  • Drink a gallon of water a day
  • up my walking to 2 miles a day
  • meal prep on Sunday
  • start back my Hip Hop Abs
What are you doing this coming up week to amp up your weight loss???? Please......SHARE!!!!!

Ok, now for my topic of the week for #FitnessFriday

Involve Your Children!!!

That's right y'all!!  Get your children involved on your weight loss journey!  Not only will you be doing something good for your health, but for your children as well!!  Here are some facts about childhood obesity from the CDC website:
  • Childhood obesity has more then doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years
  • The percentage of children aged 6-11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similary, the percentage of adolescents aged 12-19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period.
  • In 2012, more then one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.
  • Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water or a combination of these factors. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat.
  • Overweight and obesity are the result of "calorie imbalance"--too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed- and are affected by various genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.
If you'd like to continue reading about this, click here.

Its easy to make working out fun for your kids!!  Shhhhhh, our secret!!  They don't have to know its exercise *wink wink*  Go outside and play tag, red light; green light, any kind of outside game.  Chase after lightning bugs in the summer. Just move!!!  You will all be getting exercise and your children will think your the best mom on the block!!!!! In the winter, have a dance party, walk around the neighborhood and look at the leaves changing color or if its around Christmas.....bundle up and go walk and look at Christmas Lights....Like we did!!!

So, Go!! Get out there and make some memories!! Get out and PLAY!! 
"you're welcome" ;)


Thursday, December 11, 2014

#TBT our summer vacation

Hey Y'all!!!  As most of you already know, I am pretty new to this blogging era.  For those of you who may not know, I just started this blog back in October.  Since it was around Halloween, lets just call my blogversary November 1st!  As I am trying to get my blog organized and up and running, you may see some new changes every once in awhile.  I do believe I am going to get a theme for each day of the week going.  I love to talk about so many things that I thought this may be a little easier for those readers who may be just looking for a certain topic. As of now, this is about how the daily themes are looking:

  • Manic Monday - exactly how it sounds!!  this will be a blog about anything!!  possibly a few things in one blog??  like updates on my bipolar, makeup, mental health awareness, money, ect.
  • Tuesday Talk = I'd like to get y'all involved in my blog as well.  I want y'all to email me with questions and or topics. use Tuesday Talk as your subject!  Kind of a discussion type board.
  • Wonderful Weds = anything WONDERFUL! from DIY projects to everyday life.
  • TBT Thursday = anything that has happened before I started my blog
  • Fitness Friday = follow me week by week on my weight loss journey! 
  • Subscription Box Saturday = my thoughts on the things I get in my subscription boxes for the month
  • Spiritual Sunday - her I'll discuss anything spiritual. From LDS talks to Karma(Buddhism)

How does that sound?? Pretty good?? Let me know!

Here is my #TBT post:

being on a fixed income myself, sometimes its hard for us to do any "extra" vacation. We always manage something though.  This past summer we weren't sure about our family vacation  and money was tight.  D and myself had talked about it several times until one day it hit us that school would be starting back and we have yet to take our son anywhere for his summer vacation.  I was getting a little worried.  I just did not see any way possible for us to do anything! I had to buy school clothes and supplies still.

due to the money situation, we decided to go to Tybee Island.  It's much closer to us then PCB.  Once we figured out where we were going, it was time to figure out lodging.  To save on money we found this great campground called Rivers End.  I highly recommend staying here.  They have cabins, hook ups for RVs and tent camping. The staff was super nice and friendly and it even has a pool! With the money that we saved camping instead of a hotel we were able to stay from a Thursday to Monday.  I know people who go on vaca and end up spending so much on things to do, but not us!!  We really spent no money on things to do and had the best vacation ever!! We went to the beach, visited the lighthouse, and went out on the pier.


 The best place on the island, for your money, is the Marine Biology Center.  I belive it was like 12.00 for all three of us.  Its really cool.  They walk you around and tell you all about the Marine Life around Tybee Island.  They have a real cool feel tank and if you get there at the right time....You get to watch them feed Ike the Sea Turtle!!!  We were in there about an hr and a half, so, well worth the price!!!!


In our budget we allowed for one night out to dinner.  So, we got showered and dressed....loaded up and went to Savannah!  I adore Savannah!!  It is so pretty and the history is unbelievable!

So, if your on a budget but want somewhere to go away to that is beautiful with tons of stuff to do......why dont you check out Tybee??  We give it 2 thumbs up!!!!


Manicure time!!!!!!!! winter wonderland with a Christmas twist

I just did my nails( y'all already know I needed it) and I thought Id try and do a little tutorial for y'all! Please, this is my first ever tutorial so, feed back will be great!!  Thanks in advance:)

I really love the snow nail designs everyone is doing, but, I wanted my snow a little more like Christmas.  This is my winter wonderland with a twist. lol

Before you get started you will need:

  • a light blue nail polish (I used NYC in a new york min in the color NY blues)
  • a white nail polish (I used my Julep polish in the color Isla 3151)
  • a green polish (I used L.A.Colors art deco in NA918 bright green)
  • red polish (I used Nicka K in NY139)
  • a gold polish (I used Broadway nails. not sure of the color since the sticker is gone.  But, it is a gold shimmery color)
  • a glitter top coat (I used NYC in 105 starry silver glitter)
  • a dotting tool         
I had to remove my old nasty, I used the family dollar brand polish remover.  I really love the kind I got because it has Argan Oil in it.  It is very moisturizing. Once you remove your polish, wash and dry your hands.  before I start adding polish I use a good body butter on my hands.  Ive been loving my Laura Ashley Italian Lemon. I received it in one of my beauty box 5s, I believe last month??

begin by painting all your nails with your blue color

Once my blue dried I took my dotting tool and my white color to make snow

use your dotting tool to go across the tips of your pointer, middle, and pinkie finger.  I like this Julep polish because it has a pearl look to it.  Looks slightly frozen.  Once you do your tips, go in with your dotting tool and make different size dots for snow falling.

Now, on your thumb and ring finger, make a Christmas tree.  You can use a stencil, tape, nail tattoos, anything......but, I just free handed mine.  I used the green for the & gold for ornaments and the black as the base
sorry, just did a group photo for these colors

Once everything dries, take your glitter top coat and paint from the cuticle to were the white on the tips start.  This helps give the awesome icy snow look!!

And that's it!! Add a clear top coat once it dries to help make your manicure last longer!!!!

I hope I did OK on this tutorial for y'all.......Id love to see if anyone tries it.  If you snap a picture, tag me and maybe I could feature you on my next nail blog!!!
instagram: maduke1205
twitter: foolishcuckoo

or you can email me at Just please put the subject nails so I know what it is!!!  I cant wait to see how y'all's turns out!!!!