Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I challenge you to simplify Christmas see that right, 15 days until Christmas!! So..........are you stressed yet???  lol  These past couple of days have been a little stressful for us.  the thing is......when you start getting stressed, that's when its time to STOP, take a breath......and remember to slow down.  If you forget to do this and are stressed, that's how you don't know notice the little things that truly matter.

I can be hard.  I even get stressed, who doesn't??  but, when we are stressed and frantic, we cant notice and enjoy the little things that come with this time of year that make it so magical.

My children have ALWAYS been taught the true meaning of Christmas.....If it wasn't for Christ, there wouldn't be a said "Christmas".  Jesus is the reason for the season.

Christmas isn't about the gifts.  Yes, I do wish I could buy my children and family every single thing in the world! Of course!! But.......tell me about your gifts from past Christmases.....Can you?? Sure, probably.....but I bet you'll forget something. lol Thinking about my past Christmases, its never been about what we get, but how we feel on Christmas.

Lets take a look for a minute at my favorite Christmas movie.......
If you haven't seen it, or know anything about MUST live under a rock! lol  I really love this movie.  Everything it stands for.  This family goes through some crazy stuff leading up to Christmas.  From pranks to love as a family.  you know? A simpler time. Ralphie only wanted one thing for Christmas......a red ryder BB gun.  In Christmas movies now days, you basically have a bunch of spoiled kids in these big fancy houses......the HUGE tree....and everything you can think of under the tree.  Is this honestly realistic?  What about the families who live in tiny houses, simple little trees, and maybe 2 to 3 presents? I can bet you this.....we are probably "a little less stressed" and I promise you our Christmases are just as special.  We don't concentrate on keeping up with Jones-es. We concentrate on loving one another.

Okay, now I am starting to ramble, ha-ha back to what I was saying about "A Christmas Story".

From friends getting their tongue stuck to a flag pole,
 Dropping the F bomb......

 ugly bunny costumes, 

to the hounds being unleashed on Christmas dinner

even a Christmas duck that smiles

But, You see, It is the way the movie goes off that reminds us that all that materialistic stuff doesn't matter.  As the kids are tucked in with their one special gift that they got & mom and dad on the couch watching the snow fall.....with everything quiet and peaceful.

Its our family that makes Christmas special.  Its the memories we share.  Its the traditions we pass down to our children and grandchildren.  Its the little random acts of kindness we do for others.  Its our Savior.  

So, this Christmas season, I challenge you to simplify Christmas.  If you understand that these are the things that matter most about Christmas, It should be a little less stressful and even more enjoyable.

The main reason I wrote this blog is, last night.....I actually had to step back for a min and had to look at the small things myself.  sometimes I have to remind myself the same things Ive mentioned in this blog.  After my son and grandson went to bed last night, my daughter and I got to wrap presents.  Me and her....sitting in the floor, trying to see who could wrap the prettiest presents while D sat on the couch and laughed at us. These are the memories I want my children to share with future generations about me.  Not that I am the best gift giver. 


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