Thursday, December 11, 2014

#TBT our summer vacation

Hey Y'all!!!  As most of you already know, I am pretty new to this blogging era.  For those of you who may not know, I just started this blog back in October.  Since it was around Halloween, lets just call my blogversary November 1st!  As I am trying to get my blog organized and up and running, you may see some new changes every once in awhile.  I do believe I am going to get a theme for each day of the week going.  I love to talk about so many things that I thought this may be a little easier for those readers who may be just looking for a certain topic. As of now, this is about how the daily themes are looking:

  • Manic Monday - exactly how it sounds!!  this will be a blog about anything!!  possibly a few things in one blog??  like updates on my bipolar, makeup, mental health awareness, money, ect.
  • Tuesday Talk = I'd like to get y'all involved in my blog as well.  I want y'all to email me with questions and or topics. use Tuesday Talk as your subject!  Kind of a discussion type board.
  • Wonderful Weds = anything WONDERFUL! from DIY projects to everyday life.
  • TBT Thursday = anything that has happened before I started my blog
  • Fitness Friday = follow me week by week on my weight loss journey! 
  • Subscription Box Saturday = my thoughts on the things I get in my subscription boxes for the month
  • Spiritual Sunday - her I'll discuss anything spiritual. From LDS talks to Karma(Buddhism)

How does that sound?? Pretty good?? Let me know!

Here is my #TBT post:

being on a fixed income myself, sometimes its hard for us to do any "extra" vacation. We always manage something though.  This past summer we weren't sure about our family vacation  and money was tight.  D and myself had talked about it several times until one day it hit us that school would be starting back and we have yet to take our son anywhere for his summer vacation.  I was getting a little worried.  I just did not see any way possible for us to do anything! I had to buy school clothes and supplies still.

due to the money situation, we decided to go to Tybee Island.  It's much closer to us then PCB.  Once we figured out where we were going, it was time to figure out lodging.  To save on money we found this great campground called Rivers End.  I highly recommend staying here.  They have cabins, hook ups for RVs and tent camping. The staff was super nice and friendly and it even has a pool! With the money that we saved camping instead of a hotel we were able to stay from a Thursday to Monday.  I know people who go on vaca and end up spending so much on things to do, but not us!!  We really spent no money on things to do and had the best vacation ever!! We went to the beach, visited the lighthouse, and went out on the pier.


 The best place on the island, for your money, is the Marine Biology Center.  I belive it was like 12.00 for all three of us.  Its really cool.  They walk you around and tell you all about the Marine Life around Tybee Island.  They have a real cool feel tank and if you get there at the right time....You get to watch them feed Ike the Sea Turtle!!!  We were in there about an hr and a half, so, well worth the price!!!!


In our budget we allowed for one night out to dinner.  So, we got showered and dressed....loaded up and went to Savannah!  I adore Savannah!!  It is so pretty and the history is unbelievable!

So, if your on a budget but want somewhere to go away to that is beautiful with tons of stuff to do......why dont you check out Tybee??  We give it 2 thumbs up!!!!


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