Monday, December 8, 2014

Santa Claus is coming to town

So.....we were cleaning house(it's slowly getting in order with my daughter and grandson settling in) When i was in the other room my daughter starts hollering "santa! Santa!" So, of course i had to see what was going as i got into the living room, my daughter was all in the grandson was looking out the front door and i was hearing sleigh bells!! Looked outside and saw this!! Karsyn(My grandson) was dumbfounded!! I love this age....he is starting to get excited whenever he sees a fat man in a red suit lol anyhow.....santa came around the block a second and third time. Finally i decided to throw some shoes on Karsyn and take him out by the road to see him closer!! The fourth time, while we were by the rd....they invited us to come take a ride with santa! So, we did!! It was so much fun!! I got a few videos I'm gonna try and add to this post too!
My son riding up front with santa
This was really fun

Did y'all do anything fun this weekend?? Anything magical like this?? Lol

Melissa aka maduke

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