Friday, November 7, 2014

my sons last game as a junior

That's my baby!! He had been playing football 🏈 his whole life and tonight... His last game as a junior in high school.
I'm really proud of him. I know he is going to do great in the years to come.
Tonight was an interesting game. My old high school vs his. Well.... My old high school came in undefeated and left undefeated, but, it wasn't without a fight. Our boys gave them a run for their money 💵 I think they ended the season strong. The game flip flopped the whole time, but, in the end(thanks to a ton of bs calls by the refs) we lost. Final score was 48-38
I can't wait to see what his future holds for him!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

just some cuteness b4 bed

I was playing with my grandson and started snapping pics and here is my favorite from the night
Lord only knows what he is doing 😂


Happy Thursday beauties!!! So, today I'm gonna tell you about my outfit and nails
I don't honestly go out alot. And fashion is hard for me right now cause I've lost like 70lbs but then gained back like 25. With my weight flip flopping, I've given up on shopping till I get my weight stable.
At WalMart I found these fleece leggings that I love! They are soft and warm and the elastic waist is a winner in my book 📚 the first pair I bought was a large..... Well, lets just say they will be PJ's. Lol so, I had to go get a medium.
Aren't they cute?? They are so cozy and for 9.99, not to bad.... Today I wore it with a gray quarter length shirt and boots.
Wow, my hair looks short??!!
For my nails I did a light gray and a purplish great accent nail
So, have y'all found any steals for any fall fashion??

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


So, I am an American horror story freak!! I absolutely love it!! But, tonight it was just all over the place! I was confused 😖
We made chicken salad tonight then watched the cmt awards until 10.
So many things happened on tonight's episode that I'm still processing it lol. So, I'll write more about it prob tomorrow!!
Now my sweet family are all laid down for the night. Prayers have been said... So, good night!

sometimes i don't understand

Yall...... This is something that happened that really hurt my heart ❤
You see, when my daughter got pregnant, Karsyn's dad....aka "sperm donor" stopped coming around. Surprise surprise.... Lol
My daughter's cute baby bump
I guess being a parent, who would lose my life for my children, I just don't understand it??
He wasn't there for his birth and he has only seen this sweet baby maybe 3 times since he has been born!?
Karsyn's 1st bday
No call nothing
The thing that just broke my heart was this...
The other day my daughter, karsyn, and myself went to pay my cell phone bill. As we were going in, Karsyn's sperm donor was coming out. He didn't acknowledge Karsyn or speak. I made the comment "so, your not gonna speak to your son?
Can you believe this butt kept going??!! I mean, how can you do that to such a sweet baby!!?? He didn't ask to be here and he has done nothing wrong to deserve to be treated that way!!!!!
So, to all the single moms out there, I salute you!!
Ya'll really have some big shoes to fill. Just remember, never give up and know I pray for every single one of yall every day! And if you fall....
Get right back up and keep going......

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

dont blink

Man, how cute is this?? And you know, it seems like this was just yesterday!! This was 1 year ago!!
Isn't he the sweetest looking baby?? Anyhow, at lunch yesterday.... This is the pic my daughter snap chatted
Why yes...... Yes he is!❤ anyone know a way to slow down time?
Ps. I have an American bulldog and speaking of growing...i got her Nov 2k13.
The cutest!!!! Well, this is her on her bday
I know!! Huge!! Lol the cutest thing about these two, they have been bestfriends from day 1!!
Then 2k13
Now 2k14
So, don't blink..... You don't wanna miss anything!


Now, think about it. I'm a disabled mother to three kids. I hate to ask for help when I need it. Ya know? But, things always work out somehow. So, Monday.... After running around all day and paying bills I was drained!! !! So, when I got a text from a friend of mine asking if I could use the truck and help her move....i was like ugh! I'll do anything for my friends! But, we ask get tired. Ya know?? Well, I remembered something I read from

Helping Others

"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:17

We Can All Help

Calling yourself a Christian brings with it the duty and the privilege of a lifetime of service.

Jesus Christ said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). This doesn't mean we have to die to show our love for our friends. We lay down our lives every time we put someone else's needs before our own. (And the "friends" mentioned in the scripture above can be understood to be everyone we meet, since Jesus also commanded us to "love one another.")

We lay down our lives through service. Church members have many opportunities to serve. We can do small acts of kindness for our neighbors, take part in community service, fulfill responsibilities within our local congregations or contribute to the Church's large-scale humanitarian efforts. These actions, whether great or small, let us feel the happiness of connecting with our brothers and sisters and remind us that God often allows us to be the answer to someone else’s prayers.
Every morning when I pray, I ask Heavenly Father to allow me to help bless someone somehow.... So, guess what?? Even though I was tired.... My prayers were answered so, I went and helped. I can honestly say I am glad I did. Not only was I able to help my friend in need.... We got to laugh and spend time together as well.
So, remember to help others when you can. I know that's what we are supposed to do and you will be blessed in the long run!

late monday post:happy bday

First thing I have to say about Nov 3 is that 17 years ago, my oldest son joined our family!
I'm so proud of him..... Can't believe collage is just around the corner!! I am thankful for my children, I never knew I'd learn so much from them!!

chores and time out

Man, I have so much to blog about!! And my app is still acting a fool!! But, I am attempting this one.... Hopefully it will work then I can redo my last 2!!
I did a ton of cleaning today!! Like deep cleaning.
Mr. karsyn decided to break one of my snowmen and ended up in time out 😞 poor boy!
Ugh, my pics are still sideways!! I'm gonna figure this out soon! I promise ya!!
While I was cleaning, karsyn decided to get into the toy box
He also got visited by his aunt Allyssa
So, how was your Tuesday?? Let me know!! I'm gonna see if I can get these other blogs up!

aggervated, lol

good morning y'all! I just wanted to write a fast lil line. I promise, I am not neglecting my blog, cause, I've tried to make 15 post since Sunday evening 😒 I'm very annoyed at my app at the moment. So, I finally had to come through my web on my phone.
at least this doesn't crash 💥 after I blog for 20 mins!! I'd use it more, but, unfortunately I can't upload pics.....
so, please be patient 😁

Sunday, November 2, 2014

my boog.......

My daughter got here today!!! Yay!! I love it when her and my grandson come stay with me for a couple of weeks!!
Getting his hair did lol 😁
He thinks he's something
Playing Xbox 🎮 with his unc
What did yall do today??

ugh...... fair continued AGAIN

This is the fifth time writing this.... So, note it's prob not gonna be as detailed....
As I've BEEN saying....
I really thought it would be a waste of money 💵 for him to ride rides cause he is still so young. He really enjoyed walking around and seeing all the different rides and games
He even got to play some games. I have to say that the best part was on the way out. Doodle the clown was doing gave painting. He was so amazed that he sat there like a big boy!
I told his mom to do it too, but, she's pretty lame! So, that made me the best Mimi in the world!!
I'll do anything for this kid!


Since my daughter and grandson are coming up, I thought I'd tell yall about taking my lil monser to the fair his first time 😉
The first weekend in Oct my daughter and her son came to visit. So, first we went to lunch 😋
After that, headed to our fair. I really felt tickets for rides would be a waste of money 💵 cause he is still so young. We did go watch the pig 🐷 races.
While we waited on the pigs to come out, he was feeding me orange 🍊 Julius
His pig 🐷 won the race so, he got a medal and a checkered flag. There was a lil girl in front of us who thought she had won 😞 she was really sad, so, we have her the medal. An older man told me that was a really nice thing to do....i told him no, it was the right thing to do 😉
I'm gonna continue in the next post cause my app keeps crashing and I lose everything I type lol