Friday, November 28, 2014

share the gift/he is the gift

the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has put this billboard up in times square!
how cool is this?? i am so thankful that as a church we are trying to get people to remember that Jesus truly is "the reason for the season"

these days it really does seem that people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas! it is all about the "sales" or "deals". i mean..... families are even rushing through Thanksgiving dinner with their family or even going shopping instead of being thankful, and being with their families at all. it's really sad how commercialized all our holidays are becoming.

I'd love for you to check out the video the church has put out for Christmas. please, share this with your friends and family. lets try and bring back the true meaning of Christmas and the greatest gift of all, our Savior! (John 3:16)
mormonnetwork on instagram posted this^......i thought it explained it well and wanted to share it with y'all.
remember, HE is the gift!

fitness Friday!!

hey yall!! hope your Thanksgiving was perfect! lol

today is fitness Friday. man, if i was to take measurements today I'd prob cry!! so, no measurements, but, i will tell you what my biggest hurdle has been since getting ready to tackle this fitness thing again.

i HATE food!! i hate to eat. i don't know why but i do. I'm like completely opposite of people with weight issues. i don't over eat, in fact...... my hurdle has always been getting enough calories in a day. my body goes into starvation mode, so, anything i do eat, my body wants to hold on to all the fats and sugars because it"doesn't know" when I'll eat again.
this week I've been trying to eat at least three times a day. my goal is to eat 6 small meals, but I'm honestly lucky to eat 2.

I've also tried cutting out bad sugars this week.(haha) i have to make little small changes at a time.

that is my tip for you today. if your starting a fitness program.... take your time. each week add a little more activity or a little less bad calories. getting into shape isn't easy...
it's NOT gonna happen over night...
it's more then a diet, it's a lifestyle change!

if your problem is soft drinks.... cut back the first week.
i find it easier to make one small change each week. that way you don't get overwhelmed and give up early.

if you fall, it's ok! start over. NEVER give up! you CAN do it!! and so can i! i have faith in us!

so, until my next post, here are my fav pics from Thanksgiving...
this last one is my dad, me, step mom, and my step bros! yes, I'm the only girl lol!

how's your lifestyle change going?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

maybe its selfish, but, I'm thankful that...

that my daughter got stuck at my house until tomorrow(Thanksgiving)!! last year i didn't get to see her our my grandson on Thanksgiving, so... yes... I'm very thankful for that!

another reason I'm thankful...

our lil town does this cool Christmas thing the week of Thanksgiving. we had already decided not to go because my son is just to old for all the activities. BUT, since karsyn was here...we got to go!! it was so nice to see the magic of Christmas in a small child's eyes!
he got to see some characters...
we got to see the lights...
we played in"snow"
we took pictures in reindeer
we had so much fun my son even joined in
letters to Santa
karsyn even sat on Santas donkey lol
i am so thankful for my daughter& grandson
and I'm so thankful for my lil family
what are you really thankful for this year?


Monday, November 24, 2014

i guess I'm a pluviophile....

i absolutely love the rain!!! especially living in GA.

now, i understand many of you are saying....
"UGH, i just HATE rain!! what are you talking about?"
i get it!! i really do! i mean, there is nothing "fun" about
• frizzy hair
• flooding
• cabin fever
but, you have to look past all the faults!
rain in all seasons are great.....

* spring rain*

~just makes me feel peaceful.
~everything is new and the rain helps all the flowers bloom.
~the birds seem to sing a little louder
~with your windows up, napping while listening to the rain on your roof

*summer rain*

~brings out my inner child
~watching a storm roll in
~lightning at night
~playing in the rain
~jumping in puddles
~playing at the park
~the smell of rain on hot asphalt

* fall rain*

~ warm pjs
~ fuzzy socks
~ Netflix marathons
~ family
~ baking
~ soft blankies
~ wet colorful leaves
~ fires
~ comfort food

which explains our perfect, lazy, rainy Sunday. we watched movies and stayed in our pjs all day!!! my grandson watched "elf" with us and actually seemed to enjoy it!! for dinner we made Brunswick stew and baked pumpkin pie!!
it def was the perfect Sunday
* winter rain*

do y'all like the rain? or nawl?

i have post coming y'all frfr

hey yall. Just wanted to let yall know I've got 3 post coming. I just had issues again with my app. I'll get it up asap!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

wow, so glad things are better for me

happy Sunday y'all!! i was going through my old blog and i found this post from Sept 12, 2008
Have u ever......just sat around and wonder what the real purpose in life was? Ugh! I do all of the time and it drives me bananas. I wonder why I chose this life. I mean, other then my children, what am I here for. What am I to do? I am doing the best that I can to raise my children right. To give them the values to have a happy life. It bothers me though for I am not happy. How can I raise my children to be vibrant caring fun loving adults when it is hard for me to do the same? I want what is best for my children and yes, it may sound a little selfish when I speak about my happiness, how I want what is best for me. Was I put here to make a difference in the world? Am I to make some HUGE change in the world? Right now, day in and day out I do nothing but the same. Everyday. I awake every morning, get my son ready for school. We watch cartoons until about 10 mins b4 his bus, then I have to read him the school menu for the day. I put him on the bus with a hug and a kiss, then watch him ride away. that's when my BORING life really begins. I get a cup of coffee, check my email(which never has anything good), check my myspace and myyearbook. Most of the time there is nothing there so....yay me!! I then get up and do laundry and clean the house. same routine everyday. The only thing that changes is the fact that my friend candi may come by. That at least gives me someone to talk to. then I am here....kota gets home from school, we do homework, he plays while I watch some TV. Then I cook dinner, go for my run. When I get back I give kota his bath and tuck him in. And then about 1 hr later....I am also in the bed!!!!!!this is my life EVERYDAY!! I am on the prowl to find change. Something to get me out of this stupid rut that I call life!!!!!!!
With Thanksgiving around the corner i just want to say how thankful i am that I'm not in this dark place no more!
life has so much more meaning now.

•my kids are growing into happy vibrant adults

•i have friends i see on a regular basis

• yes, i do laundry and everyday household chores, but, i enjoy it

• I'm cherishing the time with my grandson

• going to church

• scripture study and prayer daily

i guess my point to this is:

no matter where you are in life, what your going through..... it does get better. this post was from 6 years ago and looking back, i never knew how dark i felt my life was. reading some of this older stuff is shocking to me. i can't believe that suicide was ever an option for me, but it was.
never give up! i know it's so hard, i have been there. but, please.... reach out, get help if needed, and talk!! there are people out there just like you and there are people who have been where you are. never be afraid to reach out and talk to someone.

and no matter what, smile!

fate of the plate

good morning y'all!! i wanna share a little story that happened in our house this week.......we def got a good laugh from ityou see, there was this lil plate. I've noticed this plate..... hanging out in the bathroom...... coolen, chillen..... like it wasn't unusual.
every day i saw this plate. when i pottied
when i brushed my teeth
when i showered
when i got laundry out
and it just hung out for almost a week...
i mean, i didn't put it there, so, why do i always have to clean it up. it was my lil experiment to see how long it would stay there without me getting it.well, Thursday night as my daughter, d, and myself were watching tv, the plate came up.
d finally said.....
"ok, i gotta ask....... what's with the plate in the bathroom?"my daughter lost it! she just died laughing!! so i had to ask what's going on. she said......."the other day while i was peeing, karsyn brought it to me in the bathroom!"ok yall, you may not find it funny, but, we all did!!!!! we were all doing the same thing!! waiting, to see how long it would take for someone else to get the plate!! i swear we laughed for like thirty mins!!!!
well played plate........ well played!