Sunday, November 23, 2014

fate of the plate

good morning y'all!! i wanna share a little story that happened in our house this week.......we def got a good laugh from ityou see, there was this lil plate. I've noticed this plate..... hanging out in the bathroom...... coolen, chillen..... like it wasn't unusual.
every day i saw this plate. when i pottied
when i brushed my teeth
when i showered
when i got laundry out
and it just hung out for almost a week...
i mean, i didn't put it there, so, why do i always have to clean it up. it was my lil experiment to see how long it would stay there without me getting it.well, Thursday night as my daughter, d, and myself were watching tv, the plate came up.
d finally said.....
"ok, i gotta ask....... what's with the plate in the bathroom?"my daughter lost it! she just died laughing!! so i had to ask what's going on. she said......."the other day while i was peeing, karsyn brought it to me in the bathroom!"ok yall, you may not find it funny, but, we all did!!!!! we were all doing the same thing!! waiting, to see how long it would take for someone else to get the plate!! i swear we laughed for like thirty mins!!!!
well played plate........ well played!

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