Friday, November 28, 2014

fitness Friday!!

hey yall!! hope your Thanksgiving was perfect! lol

today is fitness Friday. man, if i was to take measurements today I'd prob cry!! so, no measurements, but, i will tell you what my biggest hurdle has been since getting ready to tackle this fitness thing again.

i HATE food!! i hate to eat. i don't know why but i do. I'm like completely opposite of people with weight issues. i don't over eat, in fact...... my hurdle has always been getting enough calories in a day. my body goes into starvation mode, so, anything i do eat, my body wants to hold on to all the fats and sugars because it"doesn't know" when I'll eat again.
this week I've been trying to eat at least three times a day. my goal is to eat 6 small meals, but I'm honestly lucky to eat 2.

I've also tried cutting out bad sugars this week.(haha) i have to make little small changes at a time.

that is my tip for you today. if your starting a fitness program.... take your time. each week add a little more activity or a little less bad calories. getting into shape isn't easy...
it's NOT gonna happen over night...
it's more then a diet, it's a lifestyle change!

if your problem is soft drinks.... cut back the first week.
i find it easier to make one small change each week. that way you don't get overwhelmed and give up early.

if you fall, it's ok! start over. NEVER give up! you CAN do it!! and so can i! i have faith in us!

so, until my next post, here are my fav pics from Thanksgiving...
this last one is my dad, me, step mom, and my step bros! yes, I'm the only girl lol!

how's your lifestyle change going?

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