Wednesday, November 12, 2014

my day got better........

Except being a lil manic 😒 that whole post I tried to do earlier really messed me up. I've prayed and I believe I will retry it at a later day. One reason that makes it really hard to talk about my childhood and my mom is because she passed away just a few years ago. But, I will share with y'all soon. Another reason it's so hard is because not many people know my whole story. When I post it, have LMN on stand by, kk?
Anyways, after I calmed down some... My son, daughter, grandson and myself enjoyed some outside time before it gets really cold!!
I really got to take him to get his hair cut this weekend!!
Meanwhile....karsyn was trying to escape
Then karsyn got to play with Maddie and we even helped him climb a tree lol
I just love my lil family to pieces. This is how I deal with most of my issues. Also, here it is after midnight and I just cleaned my whole house AGAIN!! (One plus side to being manic, the downside is I probably won't sleep 💤 and I gotta babysit tomorrow)
Also, I'm really loving cranberry sprite!!! My recent obsession
Is there anything yall are obsessing over right now?? I'd love ❤ to know!!

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