Saturday, November 15, 2014

remember to lock your car doors

Yup, I reckon it's that time of year. With holidays quickly approaching, I want you to remember a few things.
•park in well lit parking lots.
• don't carry tons of cash
• and lord knows DO NOT leave your purse in your car/truck!!!!
Yea, I know.... Common sense, right?? It is until you and your daughter are running late and the baby needs baby wipes!
We stopped at our local grocery store a little after 5 yesterday. All we were grabbing was the wipes so, I grabbed the debit card and pushed my purse behind the seat and car seat. (we were in the ranger, so.... Wasn't like it was just sitting in a back seat... It was slightly hid.
Anyhow, 5 mins!! Ran in, grabbed wipes, checked out with no wait, got in the truck and made it to our destination.
Well, I reached back to grab my purse to stick the debit card in it and it was GONE!! I started freaking! Called my daughter to make sure she hadn't grabbed it. Pulled over searching ๐Ÿ” the truck, and it was really gone. At this point I'm freaking out!!
I really don't understand why or how people can steal from other people?? Luckily, they didn't get alot of money, but, they did get ALL my info. My birth certificate,I.d., kids info, and all my other cards. So, this morning I've got to go up to the store and view the tape and make a police report. I'm really paying they decided since it had nothing they could use that they just dumped it somewhere!!
Anyhow, I'm trying not to let this get me down, but, that is really hard. So, if you pray.... Maybe mention me??
My dinner date. Trying to forget about what happened for a moment.
Bargain finder!
Y'all know I'm all about finding deals and stuff!! Do you have a dollar general?? Well, for the next 2 days they have select apparel and socks for 50% off!! I found me some warm, cozy, fuzzy PJ's and warm, fuzzy socks!!
PJ's originally 8.00 got em for 4.00
Socks originally 3.00 and I got em for 1.50 for 2 pair
I'm glad I found these cause, I do believe winter is upon us here in Georgia ๐Ÿ˜’
Til later!

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