Monday, February 9, 2015

Manic Monday!!!!! anything goes!!

Hey Y'all!! I know, I know, once again........looooooonnnnggggg time!!! NO MORE!! I really swear. lol  How have my lovely beauties been??  I pray y'all have been doing just fine!!! 

So, #manicmonday!!!!??  Y'all know that means I am free to right about anything and in any order that I want!! This is my day to release anything that may be on my mind at any given time hahahaha!!

First thing first.......

                                                                       RIP Punk!!!!!

Punk was my kids paw paw on their dads side.  My ex-husbands dad.  This man right here.......y'all!!  I love this man like he is my own dad!!  I went through so much with this family but this man right here NEVER once judged me or treated me any differently no matter what me and his son were going through!!  He loved everybody and was a typical southern preacher.  He knew what our purpose in life was and his goal was to save anyone or anything he ever came into contact with!!  I have shared his birthday with him for the last 20 years and I am honestly gonna hate not being able to call him and cut up with him and tell him happy birthday anymore, which breaks my heart.  I do know he is home with our Heavenly Father and I know he is gonna be missed by so many!  I just hope my kids know that they have a lot of their paw paws ways and he will continue to live on....through them!

punk(right) and his brother Pete

Next, I finally got me a new laptop so I can continue my blog!!  It is the cutest little thing ever!!  I am glad I found this.  I have been looking, trying to find a laptop that I like for a decent price.  I really hate making such large purchases!  Many of the little laptops I have found like the chromebooks and netbooks, have NO memory!! And I am a picture taker!! I need memory!!  lol  I found the HP stream notebook. 
The price? 210.00 after taxes
The memory? 2gb

The memory scares me but, it does come with 1gb with the cloud!!  It also has a place for jump drives and a SD card.  I pray memory will not be too big of a problem!  I also have my ICloud synced with the laptop, so, that's more memory right there!!  It has a webcam.......its really LOUD!! AND super cute!!!  So far I am delightfully surprised!

My final topic tonight is family, mainly siblings!  Y'all know I have already told u about my grandsons "sperm donor" and how he acted towards his son not to long back, right? Well, we ran into his other babies mommas tonight at Walmart!  These girls were the sweetest and guess what??  Just like Karsyn, these kids do not know their "sperm donor" either!!!!  We did decided to set up a play date because just because their dad isn't around, doesn't mean they don't have anyone.  I mean, in the long run, they will know each either and they will be able to help each other when needed!!  It really bothers me though because not one of these kids asked to be here and I don't think it is right that they have to suffer!!  so.......ladies with kids and your baby daddy has other kids by other women, please! Put your differences aside and let these kids know their siblings!! Cause y'all know what??  I know I am getting old and when I die.....guess who my kids will have???? each other!!!  And after seeing punks family this week at the funeral, I see how important siblings are and how one day, that's gonna be all we have. 

well, I hope my rambling didnt bother u too bad lol!! Tomorrow?? #terrifictuesday

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