Sunday, November 16, 2014

nails for today!!!

Well, today I found this matte top coat while at WalMart. I went ahead and picked it up cause I've really been wanting to get used to the matte look. It just doesn't look right to me??? And, my nails were looking really really horrible 😒
I have been having the worse trouble getting my nails to grow out. They start growing then one day I look down and they are all broke!! I really want the stiletto nails!! By George..... One day I will get there!
See?? They are getting there!! And taking shape 👌
I have this beautiful dark purple that almost looks black. (I'll list the colors and brands later.)
I did my toes first.
I didn't use the matte on my toes. But I decided to add a sea green set of dots and a light gray set of dots to the big toes.
I really like the way my nails turned out.
I did the matte from the base of my nail up about 3/4 of the way up. Then I added the green and gray does. I love how they turned out!
My daughter also wanted me to do her toes....
What's your current manicure 💅?

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