Tuesday, November 18, 2014

please, it's cold outside, bring in your pets of possible!

I don't know about y'all, but..... It's feeling pretty frigid here in Georgia this evening!!
We live in an 850sg ft house..... Pretty tiny, huh? And even though it's a pain in the butt sometimes, we still bring our dogs in. I mean, think about it, right now with my daughter up, we have 5 humans. So, as cramped as it is.... Add a 65lb American bulldog and an old coon hound(who is an old nag) we have no kind of room left!!
But, we do it anyways.
I'm not saying you don't love your dogs or pets if you don't let em in. But, if your pets have to stay outside, please, make sure they have some type of shelter to escape the wind.
If they have a dog house, you can always throw extra blankets in there for them.
Here is another cool lil tip:
If your dog has to stay outside while it's cold, add additional food to their diet! Dogs burn more calories to stay warm!
Do you have any tips for people who can't bring their animals in?

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