Monday, November 17, 2014

Christmas too commercial??

In my opinion..... Yes!! When retailers are competing to get out all their Christmas stuff put out before Halloween now!! I really hate that!! I mean, come on!!! Lets get through one holiday at a time!! Let us enjoy seeing our kids dress as scary lil goblins...... Let us get through Thanksgiving and enjoy being thankful instead of worrying about what we want for Christmas!!
Christmas is a time of family..... And remembering the birth of our savior. I've tried to keep reminding my children this and I do it all year. My children know Christmas is about giving, helping those less fortunate, and being with our family.
To keep Christmas as simple as we can, my kids(my youngest) usually gets 3 gifts.... That he actually asks for. Sure, he will get a few extra small things... From his dad and I, and my oldest get a limit, 100.00. If there is something they want.... That gets deducted.
I'm thankful that I have kids who don't complain, our expect everything!! Makes me feel like I've done well so far on raising my kids!!
Also, with the spending limit and gift limit, it makes things less stressful for me and allows me to enjoy Christmas! No one wants to sit and watch their kids open all these big expensive gifts!! I mean, sure.. . It's nice to see your child happy! Sure,I wanna give my kids EVERYTHING they want.... But, do I honestly wanna sit there Christmas morning and be stressing the whole time because my bills fell behind? Our do I wanna go in debt just to see my kids happy, no! And my kids are good with that!! I pray that they learn from this and carry it on through their adulthood. And I have to say, I have to pray for strength to not give in to ask the commercialism of Christmas!! It's hard as a mom..... Cause if I could, I'd buy everything I saw for my kids and grandson!! So, it's not only a learning process for my children, but for me as well and it gets harder and harder each year!!
So, be strong! Set limits for yourself and kids!! Free yourself from financial worries and enjoy your family and lil ones this Christmas!😁
It's gonna be such a fun Christmas this year!!
Do y'all have any budget ideas for Christmas that you set for yourself?? How do you remind your kids about the true meaning of Christmas 🎄?

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