Tuesday, November 18, 2014

poor sick baby!

So, yesterday during nap, my grandson was so congested and you could just tell he wasn't feeling well at all!! I can't stand a sick baby. It breaks my heart when you can't make them better. If y'all have kids, I know you know that feeling I'm talking about!! I made my lil boog a DRs apt. My daughter gave him a good bath 🛀 then blew dried his hair.... Lol he looked like Don King
Needles to say, his momma made him wear his hat even inside the DRs office!!!
Is it me, our does this happen to all moms?? Once you get to the Dr, your child miraculously feels better??
Yea, I know.... Everytime!
Anyhow, the Dr gave him some meds. Said he had croup and a head cold! We have to get him better before Thanksgiving!
He has been taking it easy. Isn't it funny?? Even through snotty noses and coughing, a child still manages to smile 😊
Y'all try and stay warm tonight!!

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