Thursday, November 20, 2014

children look up to us

Good morning y'all!
This morning I just wanna talk a min about kids and how they mimic what we do.

My youngest son is 11, he will be 12 in about 2 weeks. I've always "taught" my kids right from wrong. They know...
I'm far from perfect.

I mean, who is??

But, in all my years of parenting, I've learned that the most affective way to teach our kids is not by lecturing....
Not by scolding...
But, by example!
This world is in shambles! And, my opinion is that it's up to us to raise our children with morals and standards to get this world back on track!
Over the years I've always told my kids what to do..... But, if your not doing the same things, it's somewhat confusing to children. I mean, at least that's my opinion....
Small children are very observant and see everything we do. And you know what?? They LOVE to play monkey see monkey do.

What are we teaching our kids when we tell them its not right to tell a lie.... But we spent 60.00 at the store and come home and tell our s.o. We spent 50.00?
Seems a little harmless. Right?
Maybe, but, your child just saw you tell a lie.

What about foul language?
We teach our kids not to say things. Things that can be ugly or disrespectful....
Yet, every other word out of our mouths is ugly...
That's disrespectful

We teach our kids to be responsible
Yet, we go spend money on something we don't even need and put off a bill..
That's not responsible

We teach them not to smoke, or drink... It's not good for them, yet, we do it
The bible teaches us to honor thy mother and thy father. It's one of the ten commandments. But, what about us as adults and parents? How do we teach our kids to honor us when we aren't honoring our Heavenly Father and his commandments?
Like I said earlier, I am so far from perfect
I make mistakes..
Just like our children will do.
But, I try to always honor my Heavenly Father and the gospel and my children see this. And if my children learn just one thing from me, I would want it to be that.

I want them To grow into good hearted, law abiding citizens who have morals and standards
Who love their Heavenly Father
And endure until the end!

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