Thursday, November 20, 2014

i think someone is ready for pull ups

Potty training can be such a headache!! Trust me, I know!! I've worked with 2yr olds for 15yrs! But, the rewards are nice!!
Mainly the $$ you save!

One thing I have learned is NOT to rush it!! If your child isn't ready, it's not gonna happen.... Just saying! All it will do is cause frustration for you and your child.

A few signs to know your child is ready

•dry diaper
If your child is going hours without wetting/waking up dry in the mornings and or at naps
• vocal
If your child can tell you peepee or poop that's always a good sign too.
Is your child somehow showing you?? Watch for little hints.
Now, let me give your a prime example:
"today while I was in the kitchen washing dishes, my grandson came running to me with his pants around his ankles. I wasn't paying him too much attention.... Thought he was playing around. Well, he finally gets his pants off. I asked him what he was doing and he began hitting his diaper saying "pee pee pee" he ran to the bathroom door and stayed knocking on it!"
Yaaaassssssss! If that wasn't a sign....i don't know what is!?
"we took him into the bathroom and put him on the potty. He didn't do anything but, he got all smiles and high fives for trying! We took him off, got a fresh diaper on him and 5 mins later..... He poo'ed!"
Yea, yea, I know.... Total fail! Right? No, not really. He is one step closer then before!

There are ways to help your child get ready for potty training.
Take your child with you when you potty. While your in the bathroom... Talk to them. Tell them what things are. Introduce them to sounds that may scare them.

Get them their own toilet or seat for the big toilet. Sometimes kids freak out a little cause they think they will fall into the toilet.

Put them on their toilet as soon as they wake up, and every few hours.

Remember to be consistent! If you don't stick with it, your child won't either.
*please note*

While my youngest son was potty training, about ten years ago, he needed to go potty while we were at WalMart.
My son was terrified to go any where near a toilet after that!
Any place that has a motion thingie to flush isn't good! One little move and it sounds like a huge monster is gonna suck you in! I mean, they terrify me and I'm 36 yrs old!!

Do y'all have any potty training tips? Things to avoid? How did your lil ones let you know they were ready?

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