Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#wonderfulwednesday a few nail reviews

Yes! Yes!!  It is that time!!!!  Wonderful Wednesday!!!  Only thing is.......Most the issues I'm gonna talk about aren't very wonderful at all!!!! I hate negative blogs, but, if it saves you on wasting money and time on anything!!  I gotta just do it!  Just let y'all know! Id hope for the same thing from y'all!!  I know us moms, or in my case, Mimis'  Have NO TIME that can be wasted!!  Right??!!

I do wanna start with a little positive/ cuteness!!!  Here is the not so wonderful first, the weather here in Ga right now is CRAZY!!  Yall hear me??  Crazy!!  Like, freezing!!  Yesterday was cold, but not to bad.  We took a walk together!!  Had to just get out of the house a min!!  Cabin Fever maybe??  Anyhow, I caught this really cute picture yesterday.  Its my grandson chasing my son!!  I swear my grandson ran the whole walk!! lol


Yes, I did get to rock my cute heart sunglasses too!!  I think the sun peeked for maybe......10 mins!  I have decided I am hibernating until spring now!!  The temps right now are cold and its only gonna get colder!  NOOOOO, i need a safe word!!!!! PINEAPPLES!!!!

I also have to ask, why does time seem to go faster the older you get???  Last year at this time, my grandson was this adorable hunk of bald headed fat......

Now he is this independent, potty going, runs everything, BIG BOY!!!!!  Please!! Slow down time!

* I am super excited about this table he is sitting at!!  My g ma, who passed back in Sept., This was her table!!  I ate at this table when I was my grandsons age!!  That's 37 years this table has been in my family!!  I am so thankful I was given the opportunity to have this in my home.*

now to what my blog is really gonna  be about

As y'all now, from my previous post (here)  I am super excited that I finally got me some Jamberry nail wraps ordered!!  I got to try them about a month ago! Fell in absolute love!!!! <3  Last month I wasn't able to budget in an order so, I did the alternative!!  (plus I was wanting to test out the competition!!!!!)

The first thing I tried was the Sally Hansen  Polish strips!!

Super cute design, was really Loving the gold  snake skin look!!   Anyhow, My grandson opened the box so, when I tried to use them.....they didn't even stick to my nails!!  UGH!!  How Annoying!!!  I was so excited to try it and didn't even get to wear them!! BOO!!  I don't know if it had something to do with them being opened or what??

Next, I found a few different brands and designs on sale that I thought Id try...

ok, the second edge one was the first I tried......

super funky and super cute!!  They were easy to apply, and believe it or not......they lasted a whole 3 days!!!!!!!!  not to bad for 2.50 lol, but, I do wish they had a smaller size on this sheet!  If you look at my pinky nail, it is a little large around my nail bed!

The next set were super cute!!!!!

I did these for date night!!  Same way to apply as the rest!!  These had a few more sizes to choose from! yay!!  As soon as I went to leave, they were already peeling off!!!! BOO! By the time I got home.....

The next ones I tried I was hoping they were transparent.  I really was wanting to put them over this pretty orchid color I had bought!

See??  SOOO cute!!  Since I couldn't use them over the color, I used my orchid as accent nails!  They turned out really cute! And they even matched my laptop!!  They were easy to apply, but, if you look at my pointer finger in the picture above, it didn't apply as clean as the others!  I went to bed and woke up this morning just to find this......


(sorry for the funky lines! My new case on my iPhone is messing with the flash!) Anyhow, two had fallen off in my sleep and my thumb nail was almost peeled completely off too!!  That really sucks because I really loved the lace design on these strips!!!!!!!  All in all,

So, I do believe I will continue to use Jamberry wraps!!  Once I receive my full sheets, Ill do a day by day picture to show how well they hold up!!!!  KK???

Hope Your #wonderfulwednesday was a blessed one!!!!


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