Sunday, February 15, 2015

A few cheap finds

Good Morning!!!! How are y'all this morning??  I am pretty good.  Just listening to music this morning.  Sometimes with my bipolar and stuff, I get into these moods were I don't wanna be messed with.  Withdraw from others sometimes.  I am not in the completely isolated mood as of right now, but, no kids are up and its quiet.  Sitting at the table, listening, reading, writing, always a good therapy!!


Anyhow, I got a couple of things this past week that I thought were total steals and I was gonna share with y'all!

First thing I got at Walmart.  Let me first say this about personal opinion!!  OK??  I remember when I used to get picked on growing up if I wore anything Walmart, but you know what??!!  Walmart is ridiculously priced! I mean, their no name shoes are almost as much as a pair of Nike's at the mall!!  Same goes with their clothes nowadays.  I'd much rather spend a little more for something that is made to last a little longer then Walmart things!

BUT, If you're into statement pieces for your outfit.......Walmart carries them for like 10 bucks!!  Some of these pieces are super adorable!!  I found this piece on clearance for only 3.00!! Which, is a STEAL!!!!!  Look how adorable this is!

So cute!!!!  Right!??  They had others too but, this one matched my outfit perfectly for date night!!  

The next thing I found were these adorable sunglasses!!  OK, who watches "party down south"?  I admit it!!! I do!! Of course I'm not feeling the cast of the 2nd one as much as the originals. BUT there is a cast member named raven, aka Barbie and she always has on these adorbs sunglasses!!!!


I swear she has these in every color!!!  And I am not gonna lie, I used to not like her at all.....shhhhhhhh!!  But, she has grown to be one of my faves!!!! lol ANYHOOO

How stinking cute!!! And they were only $2.00!!! SCORE! winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!!

yes, I am in my pj's, doesn't matter cause it doesn't concern u!!! ha-ha!!! really cute glasses for only 2 bucks though!!  

So, I just wanted to share that with y'all!! I'm frfr about checking out those statement pieces from Walmart!!  They are totally worth the money!!  And the glasses, sorry y'all, they came from a local place here in my town!!

Let me get back to my music and start checking my beautiful social media! lol

Love y'all!! Until next time!!! BBBBYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Ps, enjoy your #SundayFunday



  1. I LOVE party down south. I love the current cast but I am stoked for the original cast to come back on this month! Also, I LOVE your pink laptop!

    1. awwww Thanks cuz!! I LOVE party down south 2, 2 lol I had so many mixed feelings about the new cast!! I totally have fallen in love with barbie though!! The new cast didn't seem very "country" lol I am excited for the originals to be back!!!!!!!!!!!! I found my lil laptop at Walmart for $200 and it has been perfect for blogging!!
