Thursday, October 30, 2014

why blog?

Well, I keep journals. But, sometimes I feel like things I go through can maybe, somehow help others.
You see, I'm disabled. You probably wouldn't know it just by looking at me....
See?? Pretty normal looking, right? Ugh...i wish!! I have a long list of mental disabilities .
1. Bipolar
2. Social anxiety
3. Anxiety/panic attacks
4 post traumatic
5. Borderline personality disorder
So, yea.... That's a list. I know when I was first dx'ed, I felt so alone. And it was so hard to talk to people. The hardest thing in the world is when someone ask you "what's wrong"? Wanna know why?? Cause no matter how hard I tried, sometimes the things I were feeling were just....idk, hard to explain?? Like, you can't really put it into words. I feel like one must actually feel it to understand it... Yall know?
Anyhow, hopefully my blogs will help someone reading this, out help someone who has a loved one with any of these disabilities.
So, until next time!! Muahs!!
Remember to always smile!
Ps. Sorry about sideways pics, I'm learning this app

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