Thursday, October 30, 2014

hi, I'm Melissa...... and......

But don't freak out!! I'm human, I make mistakes, I have issues, and I'm a convert. This is another reason I started my blog. I wanna be able to possibly help others who are going through things as converts. But first, let me tell you my story.....
I was pretty much raised Pentecostal. Since I was about 9 years old. My dad even became a pastor. Yea, yea...i know...... Preachers daughters are oh so bad!!! Oh, whatever!! People are so stereotypical😒 I bet you think just because I'm Mormon, I dance with snakes too.. Huh? Smh......(shhhh, I'm not supposed to tell people that) hahaha, sorry.......i have a strange sense of humor...i know!
This is me and my daddy when I was about 15. (I'm a daddy's girl frfr) anyhow, back to my story. Back in 2006 I really got to studying different religions. You know, searching..... Hoping to find out why I felt so incomplete. I've always been big on family history so, one night I dug really deep....i went to the lds church records. My grandfather and grandma had been baptized. And I got to thinking and remembering things from my childhood. (which is odd cause I have so many repressed memories from my childhood. But, I remember church. I remember basketball. I remembered singing about popcorn popping outside the window. I remember the trays with the cups of water. But, I still haven't put two and two together. But, I got curious. I ordered me a free book of Mormon.
I began researching, reading, praying, seeking out my answer. In 2007 I moved to Orem Utah and there I started going to my ward. I believe it was the Windsor ward. I went to sacrament and the adversary really began messing with me..... Telling me I didn't deserve to take sacrament. I wasn't a member. I smoked cigs.... It got so overwhelming I had to walk outside. At that moment the mission ward leader bro heaps came out and talked with me. It may sound crazy, but, that's the answer I needed to my prayers!! Obviously there was something about this church if the adversary wanted me out that bad! I agreed to take lessons from the missionaries, continued reading my BOM, and then in Aug.....i was baptized and confirmed the newest member of the Church of Jesus Christ and latter day saints! That was the best day!!
Since then I have been through so much(which I'll share in a later blog) and my testimony has grown. I'm not the one to force my faith on you. All my blogs won't be about my religion, so, continue to read, come back.... ECT! Lol I don't have to preach to anyone. I've learned the best way to be a missionary is to lead by example, so, that's what I'm doing.
I know that my Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us I know he has a plan for each of our lives I love my religion and I love who I've become because of it!
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ

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