Sunday, September 6, 2015

If you're obidient, blessings will come.......

Wow!!  It has been a VERY long time!! and for that, I apologize.  I have been crazy lately!!  I was really busy with my Jamberry business(which, isn't doing grand) baby, yes, my baby boy has started playing football!!  I will do a whole blog on that later ;) That has had me running crazy!!!  And then, I have been finding my place back within the Church. 

I have done a few blogs on my faith and some of the things I go through.  And today, with it being fast Sunday, I wanted to share my testimony on obedience.

I have become real active again!! (YAY)  and I have finally "grown up" I guess is a way to put it.  You know, as a Mormon.......LDS.......we have a TON of rules.  We are counseled from early on about the things we should and shouldn't do.  But I want to let yall know, we hear of the things we should do, but, until we do them, will we ever know for ourselves the blessings our loving Heavenly Father has in store for us!!!

In May of 1833, Joseph Smith had a Revelation:
“Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come. …
“The Spirit of truth is of God. …
“And no man receiveth a fullness unless he keepeth his commandments.
“He that keepeth [God’s] commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.”

What an awesome promise!!!??  I met with my Bishop back in June.  Because I want my patriarchal blessing!!  For those of you who aren't members,  a patriarchal blessing is a blessing or ordinance given by a patriarch to a church member. Patriarchal blessings are modeled after the blessing given by Jacob to each of his sons prior to his death. They are gifts of knowledge and strength of one's coming challenges and blessings.

So, you see why I need one!? Right??  I am 37 yrs old and I NEED this direction in my life!!!  I really do!!  Anyhoo, my meeting went real well.  We discussed what I needed to do and things to work on for the next 3 months to have me ready. and here are the top things I needed to work on.

1.  Being active in Church- This is a HUGE step BUT, I am thankful I am active again!!  I have only missed a couple of Sundays since my meeting with Bishop due to sickness and transportation issues.  Being active in the Church is so important!!  Main reason is to take Sacrament. Sacrament is so important.  It is the time that we can pray and reflect on the week we have had, a time of repentance, a time to remember our covenants we made to our Heavenly Father!!  A time to work on ourselves and make us better for the upcoming week.

2.  tithing:
Tithing has always been a BIG problem for me.  I do not work.  so, when I get money, I pay my bills and try to hold the rest.  Never been well off financially.  I knew in my heart I was supposed to and I always heard you would be blessed.  I live by the scripture Phil 4:19

But, did I really have all the faith I needed to KNOW my Heavenly Father will provide a way?  I always thought I did, until I buckled down and started paying my tithing!!!  Ways have been made for me and my family for things I wasn't sure how it would've been taken care of.  really.  Let me share my experience recently:
2 years and 2 months ago, my car died.  She has been sitting in my dads back yard since she quit.  I have yet to get her fixed nor have I honestly had the money to fix her.  My son's dad had a ford ranger that I could use.  But, a family of 5 never could ride at the same time.  A couple of weeks ago, the engine locked up which meant we had NO means of transportation!!  I freaked, yes.....I doubted.....yes....did I pray....yes... AND  2 days later, I am in my new(to me) SUV!!  I know have a vehicle that my whole family can fit in comfortably! In 2 days!!!!  Do u see where I am getting at?? How things will happen if you are obedient?? lol I've been paying my tithing and my Heavenly Father has been taking care of me and my family!! 

So, do u see where I am getting at yall??  We can get told of all the blessings that are waiting for us IF we follow his commandments.  But the key word there is IF!!!  U need to make it WHEN, cause blessings do come WHEN we follow his commandments!!

I know our Heavenly Father loves us and wants to take care of us.  He wants to bless us.  I know when we pay our tithing and follow the council of our Prophet and Church Leaders we will also be blessed.  I know that this is the restored Church.  I know Joseph Smith was our 1st Latter Day Prophet!
and I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ,


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