Monday, September 7, 2015

My baby is now a football player!!

Hey y'all! I got to tell y'all how proud of my baby boy I am!!  He has grown up soooo much over this past summer!!  One of my last post, we had went to Athens.  Here is a pic of him then......

lol, WOW!!  Y'all are about to be AMAZED!!  My baby decided he wanted to play football this year.  Now, keep in mind, this is my mindcraft, skyrim, pokemon collecting nerd.  Has never been "active".  Well, he started summer workouts back in May.
1st time in helmets


talk about being accountable!??  This kid has shown me this summer that, if he can do it........why cant I???  He has lost soooo much weight(not by scales) and his stamina is amazing!!  He even works out at home!!  Without being told to.  He is always working out!!

Once school started, I was pleasantly surprised!!  I hadn't noticed really until I took him to get his haircut for school........
Do u see that difference??  He has really grown up on me this summer!!!  I am sooo proud of him and I cant wait to see what he accomplishes in the future!!!!!!

So, y'all, if a 12 year old kid can do can we!!  Lets get out their and get healthy!!

Muahs! Stay Blessed!

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