Sunday, March 15, 2015


Yes!!!!  I know I haven't been blogging like I should.  Like I said in an earlier post, I have so much going on and my bipolar has really been controlling me more then me controlling it!!! So, today was a day that I really needed.

Since my daughter started working, she had planned this day for us.  She got my dad to go pick up my oldest son and they drove an hr and a half to come up here for the day.  She treated us to Chinese take-out and we went to the park to eat.

We couldn't have asked for a prettier day!!!!  After the last 2 rainy days......the sun finally came out and it was pleasantly warm!!!!

Hello Spring!

Well Hello Spring!!!! That is exactly how it was today!! It was perfect!! And it really was a day I needed!!  My family and fun!!!

I <3 my daddy


He wanted to play

Karsyn and Unc

never too old to play

he has me wrapped


such a cutie

I don't even know lol

couldn't ask for a prettier day!


All Smiles!

Karsyn and Unc #Priceless

My baby boy

Vitamin D


Me and my oldest son

Sometimes not worrying about anything and just playing is a good release!!!!  I am so thankful and blessed to be so close with my family!!!

What did y'all get to do for #SundayFunday??  Hope y'all had beautiful weather today too!!!

Also, I got my #beautybox5 and I will have my #SubscriptionBoxSaturday up tomorrow!!!!

Until tomorrow!!!  #StayBlessed


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