Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hey you guys!!  I am so sorry I haven't posted in a min, but......with all of my mental issues I have been really overwhelmed.  Like, Its not a bad reason I am overwhelmed, just a major change in my family's schedule.

My daughter found her a job! Yay!! She moved back in with us back around Thanksgiving, which has been an adjustment for me in itself.  I am not used to having a toddler running around!  lol  and now that my daughter is working, I have him from, I haven't had time to write!!  And it sucks cause I have so many cute pictures to share and a few other things!!  I usually do it before bed....which, lately......I'm lucky I get covered up before I am out!!

Starting tomorrow, I am gonna squeeze a blog in the morning!!  I am "lucky" enough to get about 2 hrs in the morning to myself.  I have from 5-6:15 completely alone!!  I always try and use this time to do scripture study and prayer. I ALWAYS pray!!!! BUT, I have been trying to become more consistent with my scripture study!!  I then have 6:15-7:20 with my son up getting ready for school, so, I am gonna start squeezing my writing time in there!!

I just hope you guys stay patient with me while I try and adjust to all this new stuff going on!!  I know with my bipolar, a schedule is sooo important!!  I have noticed over the years that when I am not on a schedule I tend to get totally overwhelmed which usually triggers insomnia(worse then I already have) and a manic state for me!!  I will have a new schedule hopefully within the next week or so. So, if you pray, please remember me as I try and adjust to all of this new stuff!!


my grandson is growing up

modeling his new clothes 

early morning cuddles

party over hhheeerrrrreeeeeee

dressing himself

isn't he the cutest??!!
Muahs & Stay Blessed

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