Tuesday, March 17, 2015


So, I haven't been sleeping well lately.  My schedule is all outta whack with my daughter's job and all!!  I am up at 5 am every morning,  Going, as soon as my feet hit the floor!!  Now, I don't mind this at all, really!!  I am NOT a lazy person at all.  But, once I get sleep deprived........its over for me!!  Anyhow, like I was saying, up at 5 am and not in bed until about 1:30 am every night!!  that's only about 3 1/2 hrs sleep every night!!  That isn't good for me......at all!!!  And now I know it!!!

I wasn't able to go to sleep until about 2 am this morning and I had a nightmare and I was woken up about 3 am!!  Y'all, I was TERRIFIED!  I swear I was dead!!!  By the time I was able to calm myself down and was feeling tired it was 4 am, really!!??  What kind of fool would I be to go to sleep when my alarm was about to go off???  All it would do is pi** me off!!  So, I couldn't cut the TV on,  I didn't wanna wake anyone.  I finally ended up getting my phone and laptop and going into the living room.

Today is gonna be hard! I got a whole hours of sleep and I gotta drive my bf to work in about 15 mins.....then I gotta come home and wake the kid up for school.  Once he is gone my daughter will get up and get ready for work and I will have my grandson until about 11 tonight.  I am more then likely gonna be on edge and pretty cranky.  I don't like these types of days because not only is it hell for me, but for anyone that comes around me today!!

So, I guess I'll do my morning prayers and just pray that Heavenly Father gives me the strength and patience I need to get through this day!!!!!!!!!!

On another note....... HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!

Don't forget to wear GREEN so u don't get pinched!!!! And as always, #StayBlessed


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