Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Temple square

Have you ever been to the SLC temple??? In 2007, i lived in Orem Utah and got to visit temple square a couple of times.  My favorite trip there was the night they lit the Christmas lights. It was so beautiful. say the least. And on top of that, the spirit was so strong. You can just feel it as you step onto the grounds.

If you live within driving distance.....GO! I don't care if your lds or not.....if you wanna get into the Christmas spirit, trust me...this will work😉

Sometimes i feel like some church members that live in Utah really take this for granted....but please! Don't!! Y'all are so lucky to be so close to something so great! I'd give anything to be able to go whenever i wanted, but that is impossible on my income and of course the fact that i live in  Georgia doesn't help! Lol just to be able to take my kids at least once during this time....would be perfect!

I may not be able to go as much as i like, but I'm very thankful that i can say I've been! And even my son got to go! I do have it on my bucket list to visit again at least one more time and to take my grandson.

In conclusion.....go! Mormon or not! I promise you will not regret it!! The lights will be lit until December 31.

*Fun fact about my genealogy*
My great great great great (you get the point) gpa worked beneath Brigham Young to hand carve the stars above the doors on the west side of the temple.  If i remember correctly(i need to go re read it) he even got paid with cheese.


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