Sunday, November 30, 2014

it's looking alot like Christmas

so.... we went and got our Christmas tree! yay!

with the Christmas season finally upon us, i thought I'd share some things regarding to Christmas. since we went yesterday to get our tree... lets talk a little about tradition.

i remember as a little girl when i lived with my grandparents how special Christmas had seemed to be to them. not to us kids, but to them. my grandma would bring down our tree from the attic, set it up and decorate it. then, my grandpa would carefully put his winter village under the tree with his train that would go around the bottom.

now that I'm grown, i understand that excitement. i love this time of year and decorating, just like my grandparents.

I've tried my best to keep most of the traditions from growing up... things like
• one present on Christmas eve
• opening our Christmas pjs
• cookies and milk for Santa
• tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving
• tree down after the new year

now, when you grow up, get married, whatever, sometimes those traditions change.... or as i like to say, improve. you have two people that come together with different traditions. most traditions I've always done growing up have remained the same, with my kids as well. but, one thing i had to"change/improve" was the fake tree. every year e had an artificial tree while i was little. i was raised hearing so many horrible things about live trees.
you know, they make a huge mess.
I've heard stories of critters.
a ton of work making sure you don't kill it.
fire hazard.
but, i have to say I'm so happy i changed that though. you know, in a relationship, sometimes the there are things you just have to compromise on. and none of us woman wanna say when our men are right... but....d was so right!!
for the last 12 years i have had a real tree.(except 1 year when we were really broke we got a little fake tree. you could see right through that ugly lil thing) and now, i wouldn't have it any other way. i look forward to going to the Christmas tree farm. something special I'll hold close to my heart and can't wait to one day take all my grandkids and make that a HUGE family tradition!

, and, remember those horror things about real trees, there are good things that come with them too!
they smell good.
if you make sure they are watered, they are safe.
they support the local farmers.
they plain out look better!
so, if you haven't done a real tree, don't knock it till you try it......
Christmas tree farm
found it!
that face makes it worth it
2k14 tree
now that i have my grandson here, i wanna start some new improvements to our traditions. for example... this year, I'm doing matching pjs.

share with me some of y'all's fun traditions y'all have!! do y'all prefer a fake tree or a fake tree??

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