Friday, December 5, 2014

I love being a mom

I love being a mom. It's not the easiest job, but it's the most rewarding. Just to see how your children grow into these tiny adults!!

Today was just an example of how proud of the young man Dakota has become.

As Y'all know, a couple of weeks ago, someone stole my purse. Well, i am still waiting on my new, for the moment, i can't get to my extra money. Which sucks!! All week I've been watching for that FedEx truck....and nothing!! I've been talking to my son, he totally gets the situation and has told me numerous times that he is cool if he gets his birthday late. But who wants to get absolutely nothing on their birthday??

You know? one of my biggest fears in life is somehow letting my children down or disappointing them! It's our jobs as mothers to raise our kids up...not bring them down.

My daughter and i only had about 22.00 in cash. I told her we should do something....even a card. Well, we decided to just go get a bunch of balloons to throw in his room, picked up a few pizzas, and a cookie cake(thanks to some sweet friends).

My son was totally surprised!! And he was very very happy. Even without an actual gift! I am so thankful that my children would rather be with their family over materialistic things.

And this is just one of the things that makes me proud to be this kid's mom!

Balloons all in his room

We told my grandson in the truck on the ride home that if he touched the balloons,they would pop! He crawled beneath them for awhile after We unloaded them😂😂😂

We had a pizza picnic

We got beat up by Karsyn with balloons lol

My baby is  growing up way to fast. But, i don't care how old he gets....I'll always see him as my lil boy....

Happy 12th birthday bubs!! I love you! You never fail to amaze me!


Melissa aka maduke

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