Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Hey beauties!!!  I hope this blog finds you doing well!!!  I have to say I am super excited to announce that I have become a Jamberry consultant!  Yay!!  I am soooo doing a happy dance!!

Y'all know I have been on the fence about this decision.  I had a few quirks I had to get passed to know that I REALLY love my Jams!!!!  You cant sell anything if you don't stand behind it 110%!!  right??!! Well, with some help from my consultant and a  little practice,  I was able to solve my issues.

The 1st issue I was having was my tips weren't sealing properly.  This is something I have figured out from trail and error and practice!! Here are my biggest tips!

  1. Before doing ANYTHING after applying your wraps, let them cool completely!!!!
  2. I trim my nails down with nail clippers when  I trim off the excess wrap.  This is a personal preference, works!!! 
  3. Use a glass file to file your edges down
Like I said, it has taken me a few manicures to get it right and find what works for me.  I am sure any consultant and customer can tell you that with time, you find your on personal way of applying them because everyone is different!!

Another issue I had was horrible cause it really shows I am getting old!!! So, for my older ladies.....this is for you!!! lol  My eyes are getting pretty bad with my old age.  When I measured my wrap and went to take the back off(cause it has a sticker like back)  I couldn't get my tweezers to get in between the wrap and the back!!!!  My consultant told me to try the orange stick and guess what!!??  Totally worked!!!!!!  So, my last manicure took me NO time and looks AMAZING!!  And I did it while watching my 2 year old grandson!!!

Faded Deco

Isn't this just pretty??  And perfect for Spring & Easter too!!  It was sooo fast I even had time to do a matching pedicure!!!!

How stinking adorable?

With NO dry time, I had plenty of time in the day to make forts and play with my grandson!

he was trying to NOT get a picture! He thought that was too funny!

he was spinning in circles

till he got dizzy and fell down

so, why not roll around??


he was getting sleepy

he LOVED the fort we made!


then in

you cant see me;)

Tomorrow I will be starting my Launch Party!!  I am really hoping some of y'all will go check my site out

With Mother's Day right around the corner, what better way to treat her???  I know I always wanna find something different and this is much more exciting!

Or, better yet!!  For those of you mommies out there with lil mini me's.......Why not get your friends together.....order some adorable mommy & me sets and have a Mommy & Me party!!!  Go all out and add some tea!!  Your daughters will thank you!!!!!

I am super excited as I open a new chapter in my life and I cant wait to share it with you!!!!

As always.......#stayblessed!!


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