Monday, February 23, 2015

#ManicMonday a little of this and that.......

Yes darlings, that is correct.....It is #ManicMonday once  I like Mondays cause I can just talk and let y'all know how my lil bitty family is!!  Lol

This weather in Ga right now......PLEASE!!!  Someone give Mother Nature some meds!!!!  I am thinking she is going through "The Change"!!  Just because she is having hot flashes and stuff.....don't mean she needs to keep it so cold!!  UGH I have been a walking Popsicle for about a week now!  And I swear they are calling for spotty snow for the next 2 days here as well!!  I know its not gonna stick, but, come on people!!  Its Ga.....all you have to do is say snow and


it's best to just stay home if possible!

she needs a UGA shirt on lol

looks like an apocalypse

lol, am I right??  I am pretty fed up with winter.  I am tired of being cold all the time and I would really love my bed back

glad they get to sleep

Between my 75 lb American Bulldog, 50 lb red bone, and 160 lb 12 year old son.....I can say I am NOT sleeping well these days!!!  The other night it was so cold we decided to not go anywhere and just order pizza for the night.

Kota approves


Alright, so, how many of y'all are die hard NASCAR fans????????  NOT ME!  I used to be.  I just have not been able to get into it over the last few years since all of those rule changes!!  Not only that...  I mean, every single time I bought a shirt, key chain, hat, (anything) by the next season it was pretty useless.....know what I mean??  Finally,  I really got tired of seeing Jimmie Johnson win every year.  Anyhoo, the Daytona 500 was this past weekend.  We hung out at the house, cooked out and watched it as a family at home.  It was so funny watching my grandson get into it!  He kept saying BROOM! BROOM!!  And he got really intrigued every time he saw a wreck.

I've never seen him so still

all into it

On Sunday we let him sit on the 4 wheeler while it was a little warmer for about an hr!

he is growing too fast

vroom vroom

on the plus side to having my dogs in is I have been getting some nice cuddle time with my baby girl

not thrilled to be cold

don't mind her lazy eye
I didn't get my Jamberrys today in the mail (boo) I am really hoping they get here tomorrow!!  I haven't been able to log into my account for almost a week now and for some reason and  no one can tell me why that is??!!  If any of y'all are with Jamberry or consultants.....what can I do to fix this?  I cant log in to order anything or even check on my recent orders! (which totally sucks)

Anyhow, thanks for letting me share my family and thoughts with y'all!!  Please, remember, 

Yaaaaaassssssssssssss!!! And as always, #stayblessed


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