Friday, September 25, 2015

I LOVE being a football mom!!

Hey yall!! How are yall doing?  I am ok, just trying to get through football season!! (my favorite time of year!) lol

My family decided to go to my oldest son's football game Friday night!! We had a good time!!  It is his senior year and I just have to enjoy this before he leaves for college and all I can do is watch him play on tv!!  Ya know!??  Its so bittersweet watching your children grow up!!  I HATE that this will be all ending soon (for him)  Luckily my youngest has started playing ;)

My sons game was in Macon Friday,  which is about an hour away from where I live.  We loaded up and all went and had the best time!!  I just really wish we had known where to park! We ended up parking with the Northeast Macon folks! lol

He had a really good game!!  He was team captain........they did coin toss and then went behind the banner for their run out.....yall!!! This was sooooo funny!!  Im gonna see if I can add the video!!  It took them about 4 mins to get ready to run out!!  If you look, youll see my sons arm(77) like he was tangled in the banner!! LOL I guess thats one of the downfalls of being so big!! haha


my son is biggest on the team lol

(it didnt allow me to add the video, its too large! Ill add it to youtube!)
So, We had kick off.....and the game was on!  They played well!!

watching the game


we were winning and all, and then, NEMacon's "band" must have been their "team"  lol they put more emphasis on them then their football players!!  Their band was, UNTIL Shaw's band got there! Then it got Piped up! lol

The final score was 47-15, I was a proud momma! After the game I was able to get a few pics of my son!

brotherly love!
Its been a good football weekend all around!!  I mean, Ga was a "winner, winner chicken dinner", Auburn & Ala lost, AND the falcons won!!!

I am ready for Tues(young bucks game), Weds(varsity game), Friday(oldest boys game) and SEC football this weekend! I LOVE football season!!!!

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