Wednesday, November 12, 2014

smarty pants

No, really.... He is!! My son, who is 11 for a few more weeks, is so smart!! I am so beyond proud of him!
He did very well all through elementary school and I'm not gonna lie...i was nervous about him going to middle school this year!! You know, when they are lil.... You can be on top of everything they do! The teacher would communicate with you on a daily basis. But, not in middle school! It's all up to him now. But, I have to say.... He has surprised me so far this year.
He hasn't never been the athletic type like his older brother. He is a gamer and a book worm. But, this year he has really taken on alot. I was worried, but, he has exceled like always!! He has all AP classes.
He wanted to take band ✔
Yes... He chose the tuba lol
He mastered his locker ✔
He got in with the football team.....(water boy until spring cause 6th grade can't play)✔
He has blossomed into this social butterfly ✔
Homecoming 2014
And he is on the academic team!! Their first match they won 2 outta 3 matches and his last match they won all the matches!!
And with all this going on.... He still managed all As and two Bs on his report card!! Yeah, I'm a proud momma!
What have your lil ones done that make you proud??

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