Wednesday, February 25, 2015

#jamberry #application

GGGGGOOOODDDDDDDD MMMOOORRRNNNIIINNNGGGGG RRREEEAAADDDEEERRRRSSSSS (insert best Robin Williams voice here!)  I pray that this blog finds each and everyone of you having a GREAT morning so far!! (hopefully!)  If not, remember this......

That's right....HUMP DAY!!  Almost Friday! lol I was gonna use the camel but, I think its getting a little over rated now!!  Don't you??

So, basically this is gonna be my #TerrificTuesday post, just coming at ya on a Weds Morning.  I think I am getting a kidney infection and my lower back has been legit killing me!!

 OMGosh! I don't know what was just going on with my chrome browser app, but, I was typing away and nothing was showing up!!!  That sounds about right, something always trying to stop me from what I am trying to get done!!!!  If it makes you laugh, I swear I probably looked a little something like this

all jacked up on Mt Dew!!  lol (ion like Mt Dew lol)

Anyhoo!!  Man, I am in so much pain, this really sucks!!  I had to stop writing to lay down...once again!!  At this rate, Ill never finish this blog!!!!

I got NAIL MAIL yesterday!!!!  woot woot!!!  YAASSSSS, went to the mailbox and there it was, an adorable purple little envelope and inside?

reggae a go go; love spell; faded deco & shake ya tail feather


I am so stoked!! And, they are so much prettier then they look online!!!  I couldn't wait to do my nails!!!  I got everything I needed.....
  • Hair dryer- I don't have a little heater yet, so, the hair dyer will do for now
  • orange stick- to make sure all my cuticles are pushed back and good to go
  • tweezers- to assist in keeping the tips of fingers off of the Jamberry nail shield as it's laid on the nail
  • alcohol wipes- for prepping the nail bed
  • Rubber Cuticle Pusher- I find this easiest to use for sealing your nail shield
  • Tiny Scissors- For trimming the nail shield once applied
  • nail buffer-  little trick for helping the shield stick
  • nail file- for filing the edges to complete your manicure!

Unfortunately I didn't even think to take pictures for my step by step application so here ya go!

*added trick I do*  I use my nail buffer to buff over the top of my nail before I lay the shield down.  This helps with the adhesive 

I got almost all the way done with one hand and I got a call from my BFF that her little boy forgot his key and was locked out of the house!! It's really cold in Ga right now, so.....I had to throw on my shoes and coat and go pick him up...Ok ladies,  If I had been painting my nails and had to leave like that, in a hurry, when I got manicure wouldve looked like this

Then I would have had to taken off the polish and start aaalllllllll over again and by then Id be fed up and would've said screw it!!!!  HaHa  But, y'all....

When I got home and finished my hand, it looked like I never missed a beat!!!  How pretty is this! I am sooooo in love right now!!!!

So, I finally completed both of my hands.  The only part I had trouble with during the application process is when I cut the shields in half and you have to peel the back.  You see, I am old and have pretty bad eyes!!  lol It took me forever to get the tweezers in between the shield and backing!!!!

When I woke up this morning, I am having tip issues on 4 of my nails.  I am not sure what I am exactly doing wrong, but I am gonna try and re-seal them today and file to see if it helps!!!

I Promise to keep you updated on how they are holding up every few days!!  

Interested in trying Jamberrys?? Contact me!  My contact form is  in the side bar!!!

Guess I am going to wrap this up, I am going back to bed.....and we "might" get snow where I live!!

Hope Y'all are warm & dry and as always #StayBlessed


Monday, February 23, 2015

#ManicMonday a little of this and that.......

Yes darlings, that is correct.....It is #ManicMonday once  I like Mondays cause I can just talk and let y'all know how my lil bitty family is!!  Lol

This weather in Ga right now......PLEASE!!!  Someone give Mother Nature some meds!!!!  I am thinking she is going through "The Change"!!  Just because she is having hot flashes and stuff.....don't mean she needs to keep it so cold!!  UGH I have been a walking Popsicle for about a week now!  And I swear they are calling for spotty snow for the next 2 days here as well!!  I know its not gonna stick, but, come on people!!  Its Ga.....all you have to do is say snow and


it's best to just stay home if possible!

she needs a UGA shirt on lol

looks like an apocalypse

lol, am I right??  I am pretty fed up with winter.  I am tired of being cold all the time and I would really love my bed back

glad they get to sleep

Between my 75 lb American Bulldog, 50 lb red bone, and 160 lb 12 year old son.....I can say I am NOT sleeping well these days!!!  The other night it was so cold we decided to not go anywhere and just order pizza for the night.

Kota approves


Alright, so, how many of y'all are die hard NASCAR fans????????  NOT ME!  I used to be.  I just have not been able to get into it over the last few years since all of those rule changes!!  Not only that...  I mean, every single time I bought a shirt, key chain, hat, (anything) by the next season it was pretty useless.....know what I mean??  Finally,  I really got tired of seeing Jimmie Johnson win every year.  Anyhoo, the Daytona 500 was this past weekend.  We hung out at the house, cooked out and watched it as a family at home.  It was so funny watching my grandson get into it!  He kept saying BROOM! BROOM!!  And he got really intrigued every time he saw a wreck.

I've never seen him so still

all into it

On Sunday we let him sit on the 4 wheeler while it was a little warmer for about an hr!

he is growing too fast

vroom vroom

on the plus side to having my dogs in is I have been getting some nice cuddle time with my baby girl

not thrilled to be cold

don't mind her lazy eye
I didn't get my Jamberrys today in the mail (boo) I am really hoping they get here tomorrow!!  I haven't been able to log into my account for almost a week now and for some reason and  no one can tell me why that is??!!  If any of y'all are with Jamberry or consultants.....what can I do to fix this?  I cant log in to order anything or even check on my recent orders! (which totally sucks)

Anyhow, thanks for letting me share my family and thoughts with y'all!!  Please, remember, 

Yaaaaaassssssssssssss!!! And as always, #stayblessed


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

Today is #ThankfulThursday!!!!  Woot woot!! I know usually just jump into all the things I am thankful for!!!  But, lets change it up a  min.  I wanna share with you a little from the talk "Grateful in Any Circumstances" by: President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Second Counselor in the First Presidency April 2014:

"But some might say, “What do I have to be grateful for when my world is falling apart?”
Perhaps focusing on what we are grateful for is the wrong approach. It is difficult to develop a spirit of gratitude if our thankfulness is only proportional to the number of blessings we can count. True, it is important to frequently “count our blessings”—and anyone who has tried this knows there are many—but I don’t believe the Lord expects us to be less thankful in times of trial than in times of abundance and ease. In fact, most of the scriptural references do not speak of gratitude for things but rather suggest an overall spirit or attitude of gratitude.
It is easy to be grateful for things when life seems to be going our way. But what then of those times when what we wish for seems to be far out of reach?
Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation? In other words, I’m suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstances—whatever they may be."
(continue reading this talk here)

I am Thankful for so much!! I really am!!!  You know, I really don't have a lot! Or people may look at me and wonder what I have to be thankful for.  I have a car, but that car has not ran in 2 years  So, I do a ton of walking!  But that's OK with me!!  It sucks, yes.....but, it is better for my health and I am actually saving money on insurance and gas!!  I don't have a HUGE house like I see all my classmates have.  You know, new everything!!  I am not envy, I am happy to see people succeeding!! Do I wish I had a nice, new, big house??  Well, of course!!  I am human!!  But I am thankful for my little, basic, four room house!!  It is a roof over my head!!  Do I get annoyed that I feel like I am cleaning up after a 2 year old 24/7......yes, but, I am thankful that my grandson is here.  Do I feel like I am ALAWAYS going through something???  And that I am stressed all the time!?  Yes!  But I am thankful for these hard times, because of them.....I have a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father!!!!

I am trying to approach things in life now with that attitude of gratitude, not just being thankful.  I wanna teach my kids and my grandson now to approach life like this as well!!  And this isn't just a "Mormon" thing y'all!!!

I was just reading an article from the Wall Street Journal online.  Its by Diana Kapp from December 2013.

Raising Children With an Attitude of Gratitude

Research Finds Real Benefits for Kids Who Say 'Thank You'

Continue reading the full artilcle here

In this article they did some research on kids in middle and in high school......

"The mere act of giving thanks has tangible benefits, research suggests. A 2008 study of 221 kids published in the Journal of School Psychology analyzed sixth- and seventh-graders assigned to list five things they were grateful for every day for two weeks. It found they had a better outlook on school and greater life satisfaction three weeks later, compared with kids assigned to list five hassles.

Another study examined 1,035 high-school students outside New York City. The study, published in 2010 in the Journal of Happiness Studies, found that those who showed high levels of gratitude, for instance thankfulness for the beauty of nature and strong appreciation of other people, reported having stronger GPAs, less depression and envy and a more positive outlook than less grateful teens."

Also in this article it states how we can do things to help teach our kids to be grateful.  I remember as a girl growing up. my step mom would have dinner on the table at 5pm......everyday.  And everyday we would be at the table, but we would not touch the food until my dad was at the table.  After we were done with dinner, each one of us kids(5) would thank my mom for dinner before getting up.  We were grateful that my mom made sure we had dinner every night. never missing a beat.  I really think things have become so convenient that we forget to be thankful. Or, not forget, but maybe not recognize it as much??  I mean, to buy anything now days all you have to do is click a button on our computers or smartphone and within a few days its at our door!!  Right??

I guess my point in this blog is to challenge you to have an attitude of gratitude.  We should practice this every single day!! Not just "thanksgiving" or #ThankfulThursday....  Lets raise our kids to be less stressed. less depressed, Happy adults!!  

Before I wrap this up, I wanna say........

"I am thankful for this life here on Earth!  I am thankful for my earthly family! I am thankful That I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and supplies me with the strength I need  to make it through hard times and I am thankful for our Church Leaders who Give these talks and are here to help Counsel us! I am thankful that I am a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father!  I am thankful for all my readers and I am thankful that I have a place were I can write about anything and express how I feel!!!  I am also thankful for my parents who have taught me to be thankful for everything!!

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ


I hope y'all didn't mind me getting off of beauty for a min!!!  Now  I'm fixing to curl up on this rainy Sunday here in Ga!!  Have a great #sundayfunday and stay #blessed!
