Saturday, December 27, 2014

Subscription Box Saturday!(walmart beauty)

Good morning beauties!! I hope y'all had a very merry Christmas!! My family's was perfect!! I'll blog about it a little later lol......
I know today i was gonna tell you what came in my December beauty box 5, but, i didn't take pics as i opened it and I've totally forgotten what all was in it!! Insane? Or old age? So, until i remember and get the items together......let's look at my FIRST Wal-Mart beauty box!!

Walmart beauty box is a seasonal subscription box. It's only 5.00 for the box(a deal huh?) I had to get it! I got the winter box and i have to say.....totes impressed! If you're interested, click here. 

So, let's open it up and see what's inside..........

The first thing i got was this ponds rejuveness anti-wrinkle creme. It's 1.75oz, pretty decent size and the packaging is perfect! Same as the full size....only mini lol.
Since my bday is in about a week and a half.....and I'll be 37, I'm all about some skin care! I'm getting old:-(

Next 2 things i got aren't really thrilling. It's just the dove shampoo and conditioner. I'm really not excited about shampoo and conditioner, but, as least walmart gives decent sample sizes!! It's NOT foil packets!! lol i deff keep things like this cause they are great to  use for traveling!

I also received the dove body wash. Once again, not thrilling....but, always good to have! And, no foil pack!!!

Next up It's the ponds face cleaning cloths! You only get 5, but....i tried it last night and I'm gonna go buy the full size now! The cloths are super thick and textured. I really like them! Made my face feel a little tingly though.

Got a tiny sample of the face  powder with a dollar off!

Ok, this made my box way worth the 5.00!! Lol it's the cover girl outlast. 24Hrs. I got the color in 530, and i did a swatch on my hand that did NOT rub off!!

The color is really pretty.

I am so sorry my details aren't as complete as my other blogs, computer died....and among all the Christmas info thingies got thrown away!!

So, yes......I'm gonna continue with this box. You can't beat the price....really! 5 bucks every season??!! Go sign up for one!!

Anyhow, hope y'all have a beautiful Saturday!


Melissa aka maduke

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Terrific Tuesday

It's terrific Tuesday y'all!! I hope y'all are having tons of fun with your families and preparing for Christmas! It is Christmas eve eve!!
Anyhow, today was great! And it's only 4:30 here in Georgia!! The weather is wet and cold here but, that don't even matter! Lol my mom and dad came up for Christmas! I thought i had a ton of stuff under the tree....ha! That's a joke! I'll do a blog on some of the things i got in the next blog...

My son, grandson and myself. 3 generations

Then mom and dad took us out for Chinese!

After they left we let Karsyn play with his rocking horse and watched t.v.

All in all, GREAT day!! Hope y'all have a lovely day! More Post coming soon!

Oh yeah!! I got my beauty box5 in the mail today!!


Melissa aka maduke

Monday, December 22, 2014

I know, i know

It's been a little hectic. Sorry y'all! I haven't forgotten not y'all!

Enjoy the cuteness of my grandson!


Melissa aka maduke