Saturday, November 1, 2014

dude, 2nd time......

Trying to post my Halloween blog!! Ugh, I have a windows phone, so, if anyone can suggest an app to use with my blogging that don't screw up, comment.... Let me know please....

Anyyyhooooooo....... Ok. For Halloween, I found the makeup I wanted to do...... It's really bad A..
Pretty cool huh?? Yea, I've had this look in my head for a couple of weeks now.... So, I got up early to head out for contacts. I went to the store where I have bought em before and they don't sell em any more πŸ˜’ I swear I went to at least five different places until I finally was told no one sells em anymore!!!! What!!?? This look will NOT work without the black contacts!! So, guess what.....yup, my anxiety shot through the roof. I really just wanted to cry. I had no clue what to do.... So, I headed to WalMart. Found a cool wig I liked and just went with it. Thanks to all the adults who like to open all the costumes, leggings, accessories, ECT to look at em and just throw things down BTW!!! I found a few things kinda in the same color scheme and since it had been open.... Got em for 50% off!! What!!? I LOVE a deal!! This is the first idea I did
It was pretty cool, but... It didn't look right unless I held my chin up.... That was a no bueno..... So, after scrubbing my neck forever, I came up with this
What!?? Much better......i needed to bring the bottom of the mouth further down my chest! I actually LOVED it, and, to me it looked better then my first idea!!
Mother and son...... Pretty cool, huh? Insane clown family!
Then we took these kids trick or treating
They had so much fun.... They even beat each other up with their candy bags!
We had a blast with our family and friends! Came home early cause I knew it would take forever to get my makeup off!!
And, as you can tell by looking at my crazy eyebrows, it didn't all come off πŸ˜’ how was y'all's Halloween πŸ‘»?? Tell me about your kiddos costumes, big kiddos too!!


No, this isn't here.... But, it's really cold today. A very unseasonable cold... Lol here in central GA it's only been in the 40s.... Not counting wind chill!! I think mother nature needs meds from time to time.......
I woke up not feeling to well πŸ˜“ which isn't cool. So, guess what I'm fixing to do!!?? Watch the UGA game and blog!!!
My son being lazy playing his xbox
Yea, that should be me........

Friday, October 31, 2014

happy Halloween y'all

Happy Halloween 😁 I hope yall have had a good time tonight and got lots and lots of candy!! I am super beat.... So, tomorrow I'll tell you all about it AND share lots of pics with y'all!! But first....... Here is my Halloween costume!! Don't ask what I am cause, I never, ever know!! I usually throw stuff together and poof*
I know, it's a crazy effect lol, but, I'll post the original tomorrow! Good night πŸ˜‰ happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

good night, sleep tight

Well, day 1 of blogging is done. Yall, please be patient with me as I learn blogging etiquette......heehee
Today my friend came by. She was wanting me to do her nails. Yes, I'm one of those "nail art junkies" I have never done acrylic, but I love doing nail art. She wanted something fun for Halloween..
Last night I did my own for Halloween. You see, I'm an "American horror story" fan..... That's one of my fav shows..... So, my nails were done for "freakshow"
Tonight we decided to grab some church's chicken πŸ— since we had leftover sides
This is my baby y'all. Almost grown. He will be 12 in December
Good night y'all

hi, I'm Melissa...... and......

But don't freak out!! I'm human, I make mistakes, I have issues, and I'm a convert. This is another reason I started my blog. I wanna be able to possibly help others who are going through things as converts. But first, let me tell you my story.....
I was pretty much raised Pentecostal. Since I was about 9 years old. My dad even became a pastor. Yea, yea...i know...... Preachers daughters are oh so bad!!! Oh, whatever!! People are so stereotypicalπŸ˜’ I bet you think just because I'm Mormon, I dance with snakes too.. Huh? Smh......(shhhh, I'm not supposed to tell people that) hahaha, sorry.......i have a strange sense of humor...i know!
This is me and my daddy when I was about 15. (I'm a daddy's girl frfr) anyhow, back to my story. Back in 2006 I really got to studying different religions. You know, searching..... Hoping to find out why I felt so incomplete. I've always been big on family history so, one night I dug really deep....i went to the lds church records. My grandfather and grandma had been baptized. And I got to thinking and remembering things from my childhood. (which is odd cause I have so many repressed memories from my childhood. But, I remember church. I remember basketball. I remembered singing about popcorn popping outside the window. I remember the trays with the cups of water. But, I still haven't put two and two together. But, I got curious. I ordered me a free book of Mormon.
I began researching, reading, praying, seeking out my answer. In 2007 I moved to Orem Utah and there I started going to my ward. I believe it was the Windsor ward. I went to sacrament and the adversary really began messing with me..... Telling me I didn't deserve to take sacrament. I wasn't a member. I smoked cigs.... It got so overwhelming I had to walk outside. At that moment the mission ward leader bro heaps came out and talked with me. It may sound crazy, but, that's the answer I needed to my prayers!! Obviously there was something about this church if the adversary wanted me out that bad! I agreed to take lessons from the missionaries, continued reading my BOM, and then in Aug.....i was baptized and confirmed the newest member of the Church of Jesus Christ and latter day saints! That was the best day!!
Since then I have been through so much(which I'll share in a later blog) and my testimony has grown. I'm not the one to force my faith on you. All my blogs won't be about my religion, so, continue to read, come back.... ECT! Lol I don't have to preach to anyone. I've learned the best way to be a missionary is to lead by example, so, that's what I'm doing.
I know that my Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us I know he has a plan for each of our lives I love my religion and I love who I've become because of it!
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ

meet my grandson

Warning ⚠ cuteness overload!
This is my precious grandson. His name is karsyn and he has me wrapped around his little finger.
His fav color is red
He loves dogs
He is mixed
He has hazel eyes
He makes funny faces
He is like a sour patch kid. First he is sour, then he is sweet
He loves his mimi
I thank Heavenly Father everyday for this lil guy!

why blog?

Well, I keep journals. But, sometimes I feel like things I go through can maybe, somehow help others.
You see, I'm disabled. You probably wouldn't know it just by looking at me....
See?? Pretty normal looking, right? Ugh...i wish!! I have a long list of mental disabilities .
1. Bipolar
2. Social anxiety
3. Anxiety/panic attacks
4 post traumatic
5. Borderline personality disorder
So, yea.... That's a list. I know when I was first dx'ed, I felt so alone. And it was so hard to talk to people. The hardest thing in the world is when someone ask you "what's wrong"? Wanna know why?? Cause no matter how hard I tried, sometimes the things I were feeling were just....idk, hard to explain?? Like, you can't really put it into words. I feel like one must actually feel it to understand it... Yall know?
Anyhow, hopefully my blogs will help someone reading this, out help someone who has a loved one with any of these disabilities.
So, until next time!! Muahs!!
Remember to always smile!
Ps. Sorry about sideways pics, I'm learning this app

prob the last person in the world

To start a blog!! I mean sure, I've tried this before.... But..... Yea, you see where that got me! Lol
So, if your looking for the cutsie pregnancy, babies growing up, ect...... I'm probably not the blog your looking for!😞 I'm just playing!! Wait!! If you wanna see babies, I can throw in a pic of this adorable baby from time to time!!!!
Yea, I'm an old lady...... That's my grandson!! Isn't he just the cutest dragon 🐲 ever???? So, see?? If it's a cute baby you want....i can deliver πŸ˜‰
Anyhow, almost all my kids are grown... So, not to much cutsie there. I bet your wondering what my blog is gonna consist of? Huh??? Well...... Stay tuned πŸ‘