Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fill the world with Christ's love

I just love to sit down at night before bed and reading the ensign.

December issues are my favorite though. I enjoy reading all the stories about helping others. It's such a change from watching cnn and stuff. That's so depressing.....

So, i just wanted to share something uplifting.


Melissa aka maduke

Friday, December 5, 2014

Good night!!

I forgot to add this picture!! How cute!? He had all his balloons above his head! Ha ha


Melissa aka maduke

I love being a mom

I love being a mom. It's not the easiest job, but it's the most rewarding. Just to see how your children grow into these tiny adults!!

Today was just an example of how proud of the young man Dakota has become.

As Y'all know, a couple of weeks ago, someone stole my purse. Well, i am still waiting on my new, for the moment, i can't get to my extra money. Which sucks!! All week I've been watching for that FedEx truck....and nothing!! I've been talking to my son, he totally gets the situation and has told me numerous times that he is cool if he gets his birthday late. But who wants to get absolutely nothing on their birthday??

You know? one of my biggest fears in life is somehow letting my children down or disappointing them! It's our jobs as mothers to raise our kids up...not bring them down.

My daughter and i only had about 22.00 in cash. I told her we should do something....even a card. Well, we decided to just go get a bunch of balloons to throw in his room, picked up a few pizzas, and a cookie cake(thanks to some sweet friends).

My son was totally surprised!! And he was very very happy. Even without an actual gift! I am so thankful that my children would rather be with their family over materialistic things.

And this is just one of the things that makes me proud to be this kid's mom!

Balloons all in his room

We told my grandson in the truck on the ride home that if he touched the balloons,they would pop! He crawled beneath them for awhile after We unloaded them😂😂😂

We had a pizza picnic

We got beat up by Karsyn with balloons lol

My baby is  growing up way to fast. But, i don't care how old he gets....I'll always see him as my lil boy....

Happy 12th birthday bubs!! I love you! You never fail to amaze me!


Melissa aka maduke

Fitness Friday!!!!!

Good morning y'all!! It's FITNESS FRIDAY!!!! That's right.....and it seems be my most popular posts since if been doing my blog!! So, are you ready?? Let's get started😝

Today i want to talk a little about fitness and mental

Y'all know those never ending cycles that come with life??

Ex: you need a job....but,don't have a vehicle to get back and forth to work; can't get a vehicle cause you need a job to pay for it

Well, you need too exercise to feel better....but whatever illness your dealing with has already  brought you down so, it's hard to motivate yourself. Its a back and forth battle. And yes, i struggle with this too! So, i can really relate.

Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise can even alleviate symptoms among the clinically depressed . For this reason, docs recommend that people suffering from depression or anxiety (or those who are just feeling blue) pencil in plenty of gym time. In some cases, exercise can be just as effective as antidepressant pills in treating depression....
But, when your depressed or other mental's really a challenge just to make yourself get out and exercise!!

 One of the most common mental benefits of exercise is stress relief. Working up a sweat can help manage physical and mental stress. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress

For some, a moderate workout can be the equivalent of a sleeping pill, even for people with insomnia . Moving around five to six hours before bedtime raises the body’s core temperature. When the body temp drops back to normal a few hours later, it signals the body that it’s time to sleep 

This is good to know. I mean.....anyone else out there like me?? When you go to bed and your so tired....then your brain just doesn't shut up!!?? It's one of the most annoying....frustrating things ever. I hate laying in bed watching the clock!  They make for the longest nights of your life!!

Y'all know I've mentioned that i don't take medication for my bipolar disorder(and a few other mental things....yes, i know! I'm legit crazy lol) and when i was going to the gym every day....i felt so much better!!
·I was excited to workout
·I had so much more energy
·I was sleeping at night
·I was managing my anxiety better
·My mood swings decreased

But once i broke my foot last year and wasn't able to workout, my mental health started to decline again. And this week has been especially hard on me.

I know it's hard to get motivated when your down. Or, when you didn't sleep the night before due to the racing thoughts.....but, if you JUST DO IT, and give it at least a week....i promise will feel better! And you will benefit from it....both physically and mentally!!
You don't have to go to the gym every day....or be Shaun T over night....just try simple ways to start
· take a 30 min walk in the evening
·or stand at work instead of sitting
·Park further away at the grocery store
·Take the stairs instead of the elevator
·Fix your yard up
You can do this, and please remember that your not alone.

Update on my weight loss journey:
This week I'm still struggling a little with my eating habits. But, when i's hasn't been junk. So, I'm proud of that. Now it's time to go for a nice walk and so should you!😉


Melissa aka maduke

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Happy birthday bubs

Man.....i swear!! The older i get, the faster it seems that time goes by.

12 years ago today, i was blessed with one of the best kids ever! He is gonna go far in life!!
Don't believe me...just watch
He is so smart and excels in all that he does!!
I'm so thankful that my heavenly father blessed me with Dakota

Melissa aka maduke

adjustment disorder

So....yesterday was not the best day for me. I swear i experienced every emotion!

Along with my bipolar disorder(and many other mental illness i have) another thing i struggle with is adjustment disorder. This really sucks.

An adjustment disorder (AD) occurs when an individual is unable to adjust to or cope with a particular stressor, like a major life event. Since people with this disorder normally have symptoms that depressed people do, such as general loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness and crying, this disorder is sometimes known as situational depression. Unlike major depression the disorder is caused by an outside stressor and generally resolves once the individual is able to adapt to the situation.

Some emotional signs of adjustment disorder are

·Lack of enjoyment
·Crying spells
·Trouble sleeping
·Difficulty concentrating
·Feeling overwhelmed
·thoughts of suicide

Some behavioral signs of AD are

·Reckless driving
·Ignoring important tasks such as bills or homework
·Seeking approval from others by any way possible (cheating/lying/escaping reality)
·Avoiding family or friends
·Performing poorly in school/wk
·Skipping school/wk
·Vandalizing property

When my Dr explained this sickness too me, she said that my body adapts to change, is harder and takes longer for my brain too adjust to change.....which brings me too my day yesterday.

Y'all know my daughter and her son came to visit last month. Well, due too some circumstances....we have decided that her and Karsyn would be moving back in with us. Yay!! Yes.....I'm super excited! I'll get to be with my daughter and grandson all the time!! Anyhow, this move is a great thing! I know this is what my daughter needs so she can start building a life with her son.

The thing i hate most about AD it's how it effects others around you. We live in a small 2 bedroom house with 3 people and 2 dogs(plus a foster/stray) and now I'm having to accommodate for another adult and a toddler. I really don't mind it!! Really!!

Anyhow, yesterday i was cleaning out my son's room, making room to add my daughter's bed and stuff,and it was totally overwhelming!! I swear i cried, screamed, yelled, threw stuff.....bad day all together😣 the worse thing about it is.....i can't control all these emotions and it completely drains me when i have one of those days. On top of that, my daughter made a few comments like she felt like she was taking her brothers room from him(not true....her brother totally understands)  and also she said she felt as though she is imposing.(also not true, d and myself really enjoy having them here)

It really hurts my heart to know my daughter feels like this and i know it's because of my actions😞 but, these are things i can't control.

I feel like I'm really just writing this blog for those of you who have loved ones suffering from this. I'm trying to show you that when things like this happen, it's not us being mad at's not us not liking the's just us,  and how we cope with change and adjust.  So please, never....NEVER take anything you hear or see to heart....please. it's so hard to have someone who completely understand us and our disorder. D has been with me for 12 years and i still don't even think he truly understands my disabilities or completely gets it. I pray this blog helps my loved ones(and others dealing with this) understand mine(or anyone else's) behavior just a little better.

If you wanna read more about adjustment disorder go here. I really do believe the first step to helping someone is learning and understanding things about their disability.

And with me, when i get this's so frustrating to not be able to control all these emotions, which makes me frustrated and heightens my anxiety. Who else had AD?? What helps y'all cope with change?

And to my daughter who might read this.....i love you! I'm very glad your here....I'm thankful for have always supported me and have always helped me when it comes to my disabilities. Thank you for being understanding most of the time😝 lol


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Temple square

Have you ever been to the SLC temple??? In 2007, i lived in Orem Utah and got to visit temple square a couple of times.  My favorite trip there was the night they lit the Christmas lights. It was so beautiful. say the least. And on top of that, the spirit was so strong. You can just feel it as you step onto the grounds.

If you live within driving distance.....GO! I don't care if your lds or not.....if you wanna get into the Christmas spirit, trust me...this will work😉

Sometimes i feel like some church members that live in Utah really take this for granted....but please! Don't!! Y'all are so lucky to be so close to something so great! I'd give anything to be able to go whenever i wanted, but that is impossible on my income and of course the fact that i live in  Georgia doesn't help! Lol just to be able to take my kids at least once during this time....would be perfect!

I may not be able to go as much as i like, but I'm very thankful that i can say I've been! And even my son got to go! I do have it on my bucket list to visit again at least one more time and to take my grandson.

In conclusion.....go! Mormon or not! I promise you will not regret it!! The lights will be lit until December 31.

*Fun fact about my genealogy*
My great great great great (you get the point) gpa worked beneath Brigham Young to hand carve the stars above the doors on the west side of the temple.  If i remember correctly(i need to go re read it) he even got paid with cheese.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

it's looking alot like Christmas

so.... we went and got our Christmas tree! yay!

with the Christmas season finally upon us, i thought I'd share some things regarding to Christmas. since we went yesterday to get our tree... lets talk a little about tradition.

i remember as a little girl when i lived with my grandparents how special Christmas had seemed to be to them. not to us kids, but to them. my grandma would bring down our tree from the attic, set it up and decorate it. then, my grandpa would carefully put his winter village under the tree with his train that would go around the bottom.

now that I'm grown, i understand that excitement. i love this time of year and decorating, just like my grandparents.

I've tried my best to keep most of the traditions from growing up... things like
• one present on Christmas eve
• opening our Christmas pjs
• cookies and milk for Santa
• tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving
• tree down after the new year

now, when you grow up, get married, whatever, sometimes those traditions change.... or as i like to say, improve. you have two people that come together with different traditions. most traditions I've always done growing up have remained the same, with my kids as well. but, one thing i had to"change/improve" was the fake tree. every year e had an artificial tree while i was little. i was raised hearing so many horrible things about live trees.
you know, they make a huge mess.
I've heard stories of critters.
a ton of work making sure you don't kill it.
fire hazard.
but, i have to say I'm so happy i changed that though. you know, in a relationship, sometimes the there are things you just have to compromise on. and none of us woman wanna say when our men are right... but....d was so right!!
for the last 12 years i have had a real tree.(except 1 year when we were really broke we got a little fake tree. you could see right through that ugly lil thing) and now, i wouldn't have it any other way. i look forward to going to the Christmas tree farm. something special I'll hold close to my heart and can't wait to one day take all my grandkids and make that a HUGE family tradition!

, and, remember those horror things about real trees, there are good things that come with them too!
they smell good.
if you make sure they are watered, they are safe.
they support the local farmers.
they plain out look better!
so, if you haven't done a real tree, don't knock it till you try it......
Christmas tree farm
found it!
that face makes it worth it
2k14 tree
now that i have my grandson here, i wanna start some new improvements to our traditions. for example... this year, I'm doing matching pjs.

share with me some of y'all's fun traditions y'all have!! do y'all prefer a fake tree or a fake tree??