Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I know, I'm so so sorry!

Hey y'all!! I just wanted to say sorry for being a little MIA.  I'm finally getting a little order to the house from Christmas!!  So,  how have y'all been?

So..... It's #terrificTuesday!  I gotta tell you about this terrific deal I found.  So,  for my readers.... Y'all know right after thanksgiving (or right before) someone stole my purse.  So,  for Christmas my parents got me an adorable UGA purse for Christmas that I just adore!

Cute,  right?  Well, as with anything I get,  my grandson got a hold of it and the strap broke!!  Anyhow,  I was in our local roses store the other day and saw this adorable bag!

How cute!?  And huge too!  Anyhow,  a purse this cute and this size was gonna be at least 20.00 NOPE!  7.00! So.... I Had to have it!

And then today I found these cute glasses that so go with my purse perfectly.

Oh,  and notice my pj bottoms??  I so did my Mani to match it!

Anyhow,  any good deals lately??  Share your recent Mani! 


Melissa aka maduke

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